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Big Girl broke my heart

Setterman":db9gw70k said:
7mm08":db9gw70k said:
We did'nt get "hundreds" but quite a few during the two days. Enough to keep your eyes moving. It's still early in the migration( they migrate South America to either as high north TX or SC to have sex, turn around and go back!!!!). Guide estimated the age of this one at 30 years old.

My "fat girl" (as the big ones are called) snuck in on us as I was waiting to cast to 2 coming about 50 yards out. I did a quick backcast and dropped the fly 10ft in from of her and she was 15 yards out coming directly towards the boat. Waited a brief moment then a quick " tic " strip, she turned , rose about a foot and then that HUGE mouth engulfed it. We all saw it clear as day, then ALL HELL broke loose !!!

For you guys that have never done this it's like standing in a tree stand and shooting a bow at trotting bucks. The fight would be equivalent to hooking a 130# buck in the mouth and trying to land it in a big field! Ha!
its like nothing I couldve ever imagined, and my nerves were shot. from the casting down the barrel at 20 fish coming right at me all longer then I am tall and some that outweigh me, to the complete pandemonium when that hook finds its home. Like you I have done some cool stuff in my time fly fishing, but nothing comes close to tarpon. I really wanted to go back this year, but with the wedding it just wasn't in the cards.

I have to say that doing it in the gulf was a lot more fun then the keys. Far less people, and more fish from what I saw.

I can still here Cleve cussing me for raising the rod, not "ticking" the fly, or completely flubbing cast after cast. Haha

Sounds like someone stuck you with a Tiemco SP 600 1/0 !!! Congrats!

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