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Biggest advantage of cell cams over sd and wifi cams….

I used to think the same thing. Getting deer behavior and patterns in real time on a daily basis is really on another level. I have learned more from running cell cams year round for the last 4 years than I have running regular cams for the last 20.

Interesting. What makes the difference in whether the information is real time or after the fact? It's the same exact info and all time stamped. What is the benefit of real time?
No doubt. If you are analytical and have the time it is possible to get all the same data from sd cams. But life gets in the way. With sd cads, id find myself blindly clicking through a literal thousand pics trying to see something that catches my eye. I may go through 100 photos before i slow down. Because of this i oaid precious little time to the time stamps and weather data on the Pics.

With the cell cams, you are force fed the data daily. Its a much more effective teacher for my learning style for sure.

That is an honest and relatable answer. It makes sense. You absorb the info as it trickles in rather than dealing with it all en masse at one time. I can for sure see how that could be easier to digest.

Case in point I'm going to check a property tomorrow that has more than a dozen cams. There'll be many thousands, maybe tens of thousands of pics and videos that will take hours to sift through and organize. There was a time in my life I wouldn't have time nor inclination for it but these days I really enjoy it.
I thought cell cams don't make it any easier to kill a deer. At least that's what some say on here.
I don't know that they make it easier necessarily. You still have to be able to kill that deer. How many pictures of deer do you have that you've never seen? I've got a pile of them on regular cameras and cell cameras. A thread earlier I said I said it took 21 sits to kill a deer. Cell cameras honestly probably added 12 to 15 sits. You have a lot of instant information that can help or hurt you. I went against my gut because of pictures.

Currently running 20 cells 11 regular cameras.
I have 2 moultrie cell cams. They cost me $21 a month. I really don't care to run cameras anymore, but these cell cams make it so easy I really don't feel like I'm running them. I have the pics set to upload to my app once a day to save in battery usage. And the batteries last right around a year. I'm only going to the cams roughly twice a year to refresh batteries a and salt.
Just a matter of time with AI. I mentioned this to a buddy last year. Most hunters could not care less about 99% of photos (does/fawns/small bucks/varmints/etc) they are alerted to and disturbed by daily.
This was me when I had my Humphreys county property. Dead batteries and SD cards were full of does and dinks. Took the fun out of it for me so I quit doing it.

Cell phone cams would drive me nuts.
My main reason for having cell cameras is for wild hog eradication. I have all permits for baiting and night shooting…just to get that clarified. When I'm there for a few nights, set the cameras for instant notification and go to bed. When the camera alerts, I look at my phone to verify what tripped it. If hogs, I head out with a rifle. Something else, roll over and go back to sleep. Makes it much more appealing than settling out all night with no hogs showing up.
I have 2 moultrie cell cams. They cost me $21 a month .. . . . . . . I have the pics set to upload to my app once a day to save in battery usage. And the batteries last right around a year.
Cecil, you summarized much of my reasons & how I use my cell cams.

I get them all out in October, pull about 3/4 of them in May, redeploy all in October.

For those running year round, for much of the year, they only need to upload pics once or twice daily, which greatly extends battery life over the "instant" gratification. In fact, if you want to extend your battery life even more, plus save on those cell plan service plans, you cans "swap" out cell cams every few days with some plans.

Let's say you have 6 cams on a particular plan. (Of course, depends on brand, etc., but . . . . )
You "could" swap out cams every couple days, more or less running 12 cell cams on a 6 cam plan. Of course, if you really "need" your pics uploaded more often than every 48 hrs or so, this might not work for you. But for many cams, every 2 or 3 days uploading can be totally fine.

Exact purposes depend on the particular cam, its location, and time of year.

I'm only going to the cams roughly twice a year to refresh batteries a and salt.

For those cell cams left out ongoing, year-round . . . . . .
I typically have to visit them more than twice annually,
mainly monthly in April, May, & June due fast growing limbs, weeds, leaves, etc.
Other than that, typically just once in October, once after deer season.

If there is an unexpected problem, the cell cam will let you know, on top of current battery level, which is one of the best aspects of running cell cams over traditional trail cams. Can't tell you how many times over the years, I've actually just overlooked turning on a trail cam, only to come back weeks later and realize.

Sometime after mid-summer, the plant growth can slow down to where only 1 more visit is needed for remainder of year, when new batteries and sd cards can be installed, then "good to go" (on batteries & cards) until next year.
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