Bobby Worthington books

Well my precious wife has given me an incredible gift….she has been searching high and low for these books for me. She inlisted a librarian to search the archives in the US every couple months to see if a copy of Passionate Quest had become available. Well just like each report from the month before, there are simply no copies being circulated, period! I had become pretty discouraged in all honesty and had quit searching for the book. However my wife is persistent and went down rabbit whole after rabbit hole in search of this deer hunting literature that I so desperately wanted. After years of running down every lead she managed to generate She located a copy that had never been circulated!!! After such a long search for such a prized possession, and knowing the respect I have for Mr Bobby, she reached out to him in an attempt to have my copy signed. To my disbelief I was given the awesome opportunity to spend the day with him a couple weeks ago at his home and enjoy the camaraderie, passion, and wisdom of a living legend. I can't say enough good things about Mr. Worthington. Not only is he the finest bowhunter to have taken to the woods IMO, but he is also one of the best representations of a gentlemen that I've had the privilege of shaking hands with. I'm beyond thankful to my wife for her unwavering pursuit of this book and I am grateful to call Bobby my friend.
That's a good woman right there. Now have her find you a copy of "Mapping Trophy Bucks" by Brad Herndon. It will just make the light bulb come on after reading Bobby's books. Fortunately these are not as hard to find.
That's a good woman right there. Now have her find you a copy of "Mapping Trophy Bucks" by Brad Herndon. It will just make the light bulb come on after reading Bobby's books. Fortunately these are not as hard to find.

Mapping Trophy Whitetails is an excellent book.
Why is that?
IMO because of the quality of the literature coupled with the incredibly complete scope of big woods buck hunting that's captured in it. I look at it this way…. People spend hundreds to thousands of dollars a year on gear and access to Ground in pursuit of trying to kill a big buck. They will grab hold of any piece of knowledge from anyone who claims to understand how to kill that big elusive brute and I think in doing so people convolute multiple philosophies of big buck Hunting , which end up being counterproductive in the end. I'm not saying that anyone of those other different philosophies of hunting big deer are ineffective, I usually just see them inappropriately applied with multiple other techniques by a lot of hunters. Instead If you were to take this one books information, living in the area of the country that we do, and blocked everything else out of your mind, I guarantee you your success rate on trophy Whitetail deer would go up drastically…. to me that justifies the cost
IMO because of the quality of the literature coupled with the incredibly complete scope of big woods buck hunting that's captured in it. I look at it this way…. People spend hundreds to thousands of dollars a year on gear and access to Ground in pursuit of trying to kill a big buck. They will grab hold of any piece of knowledge from anyone who claims to understand how to kill that big elusive brute and I think in doing so people convolute multiple philosophies of big buck Hunting , which end up being counterproductive in the end. I'm not saying that anyone of those other different philosophies of hunting big deer are ineffective, I usually just see them inappropriately applied with multiple other techniques by a lot of hunters. Instead If you were to take this one books information, living in the area of the country that we do, and blocked everything else out of your mind, I guarantee you your success rate on trophy Whitetail deer would go up drastically…. to me that justifies the cost
Ah ok i got ya. In the description of his new book, it says that if you haven't been able to find passionate quest don't worry, because this new one has that entire book in it plus new info. Is that not correct/fully truthful? If not thats unfortunate because it's the whole reason i bought the new one.
Ah ok i got ya. In the description of his new book, it says that if you haven't been able to find passionate quest don't worry, because this new one has that entire book in it plus new info. Is that not correct/fully truthful? If not thats unfortunate because it's the whole reason i bought the new one.
That's what he described on a podcast I heard. I think it covers some of the same content plus trad bow hunting content.
Ah ok i got ya. In the description of his new book, it says that if you haven't been able to find passionate quest don't worry, because this new one has that entire book in it plus new info. Is that not correct/fully truthful? If not thats unfortunate because it's the whole reason i bought the new one.
It is 100% correct. Final quest has all the information of passionate quest plus much more. Until the new book there was simply no opportunity to access passionate quest unless you were willing to pay the market price. Now that barrier to entry in regards to this information has been brought down thanks to the new book. You made a great decision to purchase it!!

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