Bought another bow today

Radar said:
I asked the guy what crackers did when he tuned it and he said he played with the cam timing a lot . The timing marks are right on the money, so I'm not sure he did anything different than what I would have done . He is only an hour away , so I might stop in there sometime and chat with him .
I'm very impressed with the draw cycle with the axe .

I wish I was only an hour away from Mike and Gail. Super nice people, and true professionals!
Mike can tweak a bow to get top performance from them. If the manufactures could sell shelf bows shooting the way Mike tweaks them...we all would be buying less new bows, due to loving our current ones so much!!

My sales pitch for the Carters! :)
khawk said:
I had an Axe 6 for a short while last year. 60 lb max and boy that thing was quick!Didnt like the 6" brace height. Still have my old General?
I sold the General . Nice bow , but I like my PSE's .