Bow kill #4, first buck this year

No sir. Our rut coincides with north Alabama's primary rut. I've hunted this particular area for 19 years and I see doe still carrying well into first week of bow season.
lol I've been telling people this and I get laughed at !! I hunt for this area since 1978 (10 years old) it's been this way for long time .
Congrats on a great season and a awesome buck. My area in east Tn has changed over the years. Use to be thanksgiving weekend and muzzleloader. But I swear it's been a little later the last 8 years it seems. Fawns born later and then they come in to estrous later. Not sure if more fawns are living longer to come into estrous. Or just more are being born all together. I've seen mature bucks chasing in February long after season.
lol I've been telling people this and I get laughed at !! I hunt for this area since 1978 (10 years old) it's been this way for long time .
Same here buddy. I believe too much TV hunters in the Midwest and north brainwash us. I don't get too serious about my buck hunting until the second week of December. 98% of my bucks have been taken in late December in this area of Tn!
Nice buck! Driving home from duck hunting in Arkansas today and saw bucks with their nose to the ground cruising hard from extreme West Tennessee all the way to Nashville. Congratulations!