Bow speeds

Thing is about speed after about 400 fps you don't gain much . These that say they can shoot flat out to 60 - 70 yds is stretching it I think . A flat shooting bow is great but a fast bow is usually a little louder and less forgiving. I used to shoot a PSE SR 500 with an overdraw ...short arrows and very fast but loud and if you pulled a little you was off more . Went to a Mathews Legacy and my bow hunting world changed . Although pretty fast it was quite , smooth as silk and a tack driver . Never put a string on it and put several strings on the PSE . Got a Killer Instinct 405 Xbow that states it shoots over 400fps and it may... pretty fast . But it's not flat shooting out to 60-70 yds . These Ravin Xbows claim they can shoot flat real far but I can't guarantee that because I haven't been around one . Some on here hunt with them so they know. An older bow shooting over 350fps has to be shooting a really short arrow IMO .
I haven't shot a bow through a chrono is several years. Alot of my bows before then were always 270 to 285ish. My prime I just picked up seems fast but still quite.

I did have a hoyt rampage I fooled with for a while and went super light and made it very fast for what it was. But boy did it make it loud.
I depise this Xbow sure wish my shoulder would let me shoot my Mathews again. Though about cranking the poundage down a little and see if it bothered my shoulder . It's frustrating trying to draw on a deer and can't get the bow back !! Lost a shot at a really decent buck in Cumberland Co many moons ago and it just flat out stomped my confidence. About quit going bow hunting...don't go much now with this heavy @$% Xbow .
Yes. Ibo speeds are incredibly misleading. If you shoot lightweight and have a short draw length, you will never be anywhere close to ibo speed.

I shoot 31.25" draw at 72 pounds so indont worry much about the speed of the bow

smooth snd accurate are my only cares
Give and take. A high quality lower GPI arrow front loaded at about 545 grains is what my bow likes to eat at 30.5" and 75#. Never been on a chrono with it but it performs well in the woods which I all I care about.
Give and take. A high quality lower GPI arrow front loaded at about 545 grains is what my bow likes to eat at 30.5" and 75#. Never been on a chrono with it but it performs well in the woods which I all I care about.
I have high quality 13gpi arrows

I also have some arrows that are 7gpi ish

I could easily build a arrow to shoot over IBO but I like how quiet my bow is with the heavy arrows I don't really worry about foc with heavy arrows my light arrows are 20%

My compound is a
2002 Hoyt Ultratec
28.5" draw, 70lbs
I think around 525gr arrows
Easton 2413 and GT 340's with 100gr insert
Around 235fps
100gr Thunderheads and 125gr stingers
I once shot through 2 Ohio does one at 25yds broadside the other running 8-10yds behind the standing one. The arrow went in behind shoulder and came out the hip of the running deer. The arrow wasn't recovered. I think it is still orbiting around the earth, LOL!!!
Mid 250's fps
Arrow weight is 567grs
125gr heads - tooth of the arrow or slick trick standards
110gr brass insert

Shoots great, quiet, penetrates like a drill
65# at 30" with a 440 grain arrow is in the 280s. I could go up 5#s and lower arrow weight to 350 grains and be in the 320s If I flip my cam mods to the performance setting I could get 330s
Also a single shot speed isn't accurate. You really need to shoot through a chrono several times and take the average.
I 100% agree. My CPX ranges from 323 to 329. Also, string age and other factors play out over time. I haven't chrono'd the RPM360, I have shot it maybe a dozen times. It just isn't as smooth and quiet as the Invasion CPX. Any speed it does bring comes with other shortcomings.
I've got a Mathews dxt and I love it. I believe as long as I hit the intended target it'll for sure get the job done. It's not the fastest but it's very quiet. But a member here and a friend of mine got me thinking about speed. One thing I said was, I don't know many people that shoot a bow faster than 350 fps. My buddy bought a newer Mathews a couple years ago and it does shoot 344 fps. To me that seems extremely fast. I bought my bow years ago from a guy that told me he was getting 302 fps with it, whether that's true I'm not sure buts it's a killer. So how about it. What do you guys believe the speed of your bow is.
The advertised IBO of his bow might be 344fps but there's no way he's shooting an actual 344fps. IBO is measured at 70#, 30" draw length and absolutely NOTHING on the string and a 350g arrow. Some bow companies even do their IBO test with a string with no serving. Or a "test" string with a few less strands than spec.

So unless he's shooting over 70# and a draw length over 30" and dangerously shooting an arrow under 350g with no dloop, no peep or anything on the string he's not hitting 344fps. He's probably quoting the advertised IBO. The way they measure IBO, it's basically an unhuntable bow.

I think the Mathews XLR8 is the fastest bow Mathews ever made and I think it IBO'd at 360fps. One way Mathews is NOTORIOUS for overpumping their IBO numbers is their draw length. Ever notice how Mathews mods are always 1/2-3/4" longer than they should be? So when they use 30" mods they're really shooting a draw length of 30.5-->30.75 which can add 5-8fps.

70#, 30" draw and 350g arrow is SUPPOSED to be constant across the board for all manufacturers. Another trick Mathews will pull is they'll say "But 80# limbs are an option on our bow."

So a Mathews will be tested at 80#, 30.5" draw length and a 350g arrow and then people wonder why they can never hit IBO.

If a produced bow actually hits IBO ( most fall short of advertised numbers ) a 70# bow, 30" draw length and a 415g arrow would be around 315fps with a dloop and peep if the advertised IBO was 344fps.
The advertised IBO of his bow might be 344fps but there's no way he's shooting an actual 344fps. IBO is measured at 70#, 30" draw length and absolutely NOTHING on the string and a 350g arrow. Some bow companies even do their IBO test with a string with no serving. Or a "test" string with a few less strands than spec.

So unless he's shooting over 70# and a draw length over 30" and dangerously shooting an arrow under 350g with no dloop, no peep or anything on the string he's not hitting 344fps. He's probably quoting the advertised IBO. The way they measure IBO, it's basically an unhuntable bow.

I think the Mathews XLR8 is the fastest bow Mathews ever made and I think it IBO'd at 360fps. One way Mathews is NOTORIOUS for overpumping their IBO numbers is their draw length. Ever notice how Mathews mods are always 1/2-3/4" longer than they should be? So when they use 30" mods they're really shooting a draw length of 30.5-->30.75 which can add 5-8fps.

70#, 30" draw and 350g arrow is SUPPOSED to be constant across the board for all manufacturers. Another trick Mathews will pull is they'll say "But 80# limbs are an option on our bow."

So a Mathews will be tested at 80#, 30.5" draw length and a 350g arrow and then people wonder why they can never hit IBO.

If a produced bow actually hits IBO ( most fall short of advertised numbers ) a 70# bow, 30" draw length and a 415g arrow would be around 315fps with a dloop and peep if the advertised IBO was 344fps.
Bud I don't really no what to believe and to be honest I didn't think that sounded right either. That's why I asked what everyone what they believed the speed of their bows were. I know a couple guys on here believe they're getting speeds like that. Maybe they are shooting bows with a lot more limb weight. All I do know is I'm pleased with the speed I'm getting after reading the comments shared in this post. I believe most of us are shooting about the same or close.
Bud I don't really no what to believe and to be honest I didn't think that sounded right either. That's why I asked what everyone what they believed the speed of their bows were. I know a couple guys on here believe they're getting speeds like that. Maybe they are shooting bows with a lot more limb weight. All I do know is I'm pleased with the speed I'm getting after reading the comments shared in this post. I believe most of us are shooting about the same or close.
A LOT of people get confused with the advertised IBO. Between all companies fudging their numbers it doesn't make it any easier. I hear people all the time that fully believe that since their bow is advertised at 320fps they think they are shooting at 320fps. LOL!

Doesn't matter they only have a 28.5" draw length, dropped poundage to 65# and shooting a 400g arrow - to them they're shooting 320fps.

For example my bow has an advertised IBO of 342fps. The poundage actually is a bit hot at 71.4# but my draw length is only 28" and I'm shooting an arrow right at 430g. My actual shooting speed is 283fps. For my specs and what I have on the string (dloop, peep, etc) if my bow hit IBO I'd be shooting that arrow at 291fps. So that means Prime either fudged on their IBO number or tested in the most optimum way that I can't or wouldn't be safe to hunt.

Josh Bowmar shoots a bow with an IBO of 346 (at 70# and 30" draw) at 93# and a 31" draw and gets 304fps. Granted that's with a 572g arrow, but at the bare minimum the lightest arrow he can shoot without blowing the bow up is 450g. So he has to shoot at least a 500g arrow.

It's very rare to shoot a hunting setup over 300fps. You'd have to shoot a dangerously light arrow and even shooting the bare minimum weight arrow it would be so loud you'd spook all the deer.
Halon 32 6" brace height
30" draw (w d loop)
Not sure of my arrow weight or speed but I'm gonna guess 270fps

Shot both the lift and anlpha X 33 earlier this year… had to walk out because they were the first bows i've shot since my halon 32 (2017 or 2018) and they were awesome feeling. Just a side note.
I depise this Xbow sure wish my shoulder would let me shoot my Mathews again. Though about cranking the poundage down a little and see if it bothered my shoulder . It's frustrating trying to draw on a deer and can't get the bow back !! Lost a shot at a really decent buck in Cumberland Co many moons ago and it just flat out stomped my confidence. About quit going bow hunting...don't go much now with this heavy @$% Xbow .
Try the Impulse. I never got used to the crossbow. Just went last night and tried it. Set at 52# with 85% letoff. It literally feels like nothing to pull back and hold. Haven't shot it through chrono yet but as soon as I do I'll post it up. My back and neck is wrecked with arthritis and it seems to be the fix for what ales me.