Bow speeds

Try the Impulse. I never got used to the crossbow. Just went last night and tried it. Set at 52# with 85% letoff. It literally feels like nothing to pull back and hold. Haven't shot it through chrono yet but as soon as I do I'll post it up. My back and neck is wrecked with arthritis and it seems to be the fix for what ales me.
Shot thru the chrono. Had an average of 273 with a 396gr arrow and 29in draw. Kinetic energy puts it at 67.4 ft lbs. I think that will get the job done. Even the 2in Grim Reaper only requires 65ftlbs. Light changed and now I'm at 260, so recalculated is 59.24 I'm under. Don't know what changed other than the light
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Halon 32 6" brace height
30" draw (w d loop)
Not sure of my arrow weight or speed but I'm gonna guess 270fps

Shot both the lift and anlpha X 33 earlier this year… had to walk out because they were the first bows i've shot since my halon 32 (2017 or 2018) and they were awesome feeling. Just a side note.
I shoot a Halon as well and this is the exact reason I haven't set foot in my local bow shop this year. I'm considering upgrading next summer and I know if I shoot one now I'll end up taking it home!
I 100% agree. My CPX ranges from 323 to 329. Also, string age and other factors play out over time. I haven't chrono'd the RPM360, I have shot it maybe a dozen times. It just isn't as smooth and quiet as the Invasion CPX. Any speed it does bring comes with other shortcomings.
I couldn't stand my rpm360
Still my go to hunting bow!!!!
I may be bias but I don't believe that any manufacturer will make a better feeling, speedy, no torque, consistent bow to match the Invasion CPX. mine is set at 78lbs and is absolutely solid (phone autocorrected to is stylish though :)) and still on release.
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The gold standard of hunting bows IMO
I remember when I first shot it. I picked it up at Taylor's in Tullahoma. I had ordered it with 80 lb limbs, over the phone from work the day it was released. It took a week to get it in. I walked in to pick it up having them set it up for me before arriving. Tracy just smiled at me and said go shoot it and tell me what you think. I walked back to the indoor range there, shot one arrow immediately turned around (leaving the arrow in the target) walked back into the shop laughing. He said it's something else isn't it. I literally was flabbergasted at how incredible it was and still is to shoot. I mean, you know, there is absolutely no movement in it when you shoot.

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