BOWKILL THREAD!!!! lets see some pics!!!


I killed 11 does and a buck with a bow last year.
Here is the 7 pointer. He came as a result of my "taking a leak" out of my treestand. I was still emptying the bladder when he was right under me.


Bunnies beware!!!lol These bigguns are sure fun to shoot, they can literally jump 5 ft in the air!!
Whitetail bowkill

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Wow thats some nice deer.

It's wild how you can take a leak off your stand and pull deer in to you.. Had the same thing happen to me. I didn't get the shot tho.
cecil30-30 said:
Whats the deal with the arrow sticking the muley's butt??
I found that buck with the binos, bedded down about a quarter mile away, and my 2 buddies decided to stay there and watch the stalk. Long story short, after crawling on my belly the last 200 yards I shot him in his bed at 35 yards. My buddies radioed me and said he didnt go 50 yards and was down. When i rounded a sage bush he jumped up and was trying to run away and I put an insurance shot dead in his a-hole. lol we just left that arrow in there in some of the pics for a laugh.
Winchester said:
cecil30-30 said:
Whats the deal with the arrow sticking the muley's butt??
I found that buck with the binos, bedded down about a quarter mile away, and my 2 buddies decided to stay there and watch the stalk. Long story short, after crawling on my belly the last 200 yards I shot him in his bed at 35 yards. My buddies radioed me and said he didnt go 50 yards and was down. When i rounded a sage bush he jumped up and was trying to run away and I put an insurance shot dead in his a-hole. lol we just left that arrow in there in some of the pics for a laugh.


Ole Texas gut shot