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Bows over the years? The real question???

My first compound was a Hoyt pro vantage tracer, I killed my first two or three deer with it is a super bow, people today just think they know what a forgiving bow is. About 10" brace height and 48" ata is another experience.
The bow that brought home the meat and trophies Is my 2002 Hoyt Ultratec with xt3000 limbs, it's a very powerful bow that I still hunt and kill deer with.
Bear whitetail 2, PSE? PSE? And now a bear?. I like this Bear because it is light and fast, I got it set at #60.

Man we grew up around here with bear whitetail 2 and high country. I did buy a recurve but I haven't shot it yet 😂.

The bows of today are about as good or better than the muzzleloader of the late 80 and early 90. What I mean is that they can shoot around 60 yards and be accurate.
I've only owned three bows in my years of hunting. My favorite was and is my Mathews eZ7. I love that bow. I don't know if I could ever switch.
First was Bear Black Mag….killed first deer with it.
Best was my Browning Mirage…..killed a boat load with it.
You name it, I've owned one…..except a Matthews 😬
Bow tech Tomkat great!!!!
Bear Lights-out….. just like the name!!!
When I was 15 my Dad bought me my first bow which was a Bear Instinct and the draw only went to 30Inch which with my long arms I quickly outgrew but continued to use until I could afford a better bow. I really set out to try a couple different brands and shot a Hoyt, a Mathews VXR, and a V3 and the Mathews VXR just seemed to have a more consistent backwall and was silky smooth on the draw so I went with the VXR and have had it now for 3 years. I consistently shoot tennis ball size groups at 40 and pie plate size at 60 which is plenty good enough to me.
I still shoot a Mathews Switchback.
Same although I don't really bow hunt anymore. Presidenr Island 3 years ago was the last time it saw daylight.

I've had the following:

-Hoyt Gamegetter
-PSE fastflight (think that was the name)
-Another I can't remember the name. UPS "lost" it when I had to send it back for work.
-Matthews Switchback (still have it and would use if hunting)
-Bought my son a Bear Cruzer G2 probably 4-5 years ago as he wanted to start shooting but then found 2-legged deer and never used it. It's super compact and light.
I've only had three bows. My first was a hand me down from my dad when I was a teen, a Bear Flare II. IF I remember correctly it was only 50% let off. Jump forward many years and I picked up a used Bowtech Guardian to shoot when my daughter decided to try competitive archery. And my third, latest, and best bow, is definitely the Bowtech Core SR I bought last year. Absolutely love that bow and don't see myself replacing it anytime soon. Now to get out there and kill a deer with it.
Switchback XT that I had bought from a member here was my by far favorite bow

My first was a bear whitetail 2
Shoot the halon 32 currently and my favorite has still been the switchback XT. First bow was a or Hoyt or PSE lighting flight
Although…I shot the lift a few times at my local pro shop and had to leave becuase it was very tempting (minus the price tag)
I had one of the Ben Pearson solid fiberglass recurves with the rubber grip since I was 10 years old or so (I still have it!)
Got my first compound in 1975 or so for Christmas a Ben Person Shadow 100 (Still have it!)
Bought me a Martin Cougar Magnum in 1982. Bought another on in 1985. (Still have parts of both, hobbled together to make one shootable bow, shot it just a few weeks ago, dang thing still shoots pretty good!)
Got a Ben Pearson Renegade from Bill Clay's Sporting Goods (Killed several deer with that one, no longer have it!)
Moved on to a High Country Sniper XL from Bill Clay's as well, not sure of the year. It was still made out west Lewiston, ID, I think.
Next was a Hoyt Defiant in the Early 2000's. (Still have that one as well) Took a lot of deer and won some trophies with that one!
But my best shooting bow I have ever owned is my current Elite Energy 35. Whisper Quiet, Fast and will out shoot me everyday of the week!

Now if I just had a place to shoot and/or hunt, so it would stop gathering dust.

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