Bowtech Dealer?

Nine times out of ten when I call it is just to check on the order as well, but I usually end up frustrated by the end of the call because I can tell when I am being fed a line. That is when I get really frustrated.

I should have just ordered factory direct on this one. I was trying to cut down on the ship time, but obviously that was a bad idea. It just sucks to have a new bow sitting in front of you that you can't shoot (properly) because the draw is too long.
bobthebowhunter said:
Well I thought I had found a good shop to help me out, but they still haven't shipped my mods yet. Poor very poor.

It not the bow shops fault. A friend of mine is a bowtech dealer. He said there customer service is a joke. Takes them forever to ship items
Bowtech replacement parts are in large demand. Almost everyone who owns one has parts on order.
LCU said:
Bowtech replacement parts are in large demand. Almost everyone who owns one has parts on order.

Where did you get this info ? Are you assuming Bowtechs are prone to failure ? :whistle:
I knew radar would respond to that comment like a trained mutt.
You are too predictable and easy dude!.