Boy Got His First Turkey.........

Feedman said:
Nice bird!!!!!! Has that young man got a "dip" in his mouth?

Yes he does, but if he is going to be doing something, I would rather it be dip instead of cigarettes.....

What has that got to do with the subject of this thread?
I'm sure it was a great hunt... it sounds like it. But you needn't get defensive because you put a photo on here with someone in the act of breaking the law... I'm surprised the thread hasn't been removed yet. It should be.

If it was a game law that you had allowed him to break people would be crucifying this thread... How is this different?

I'm dissapointed that you put the photo on here and that you allowed him to do it.

It's awesome that you took him hunting though.

How do kids know which laws are okay to break and which aren't?
How do adults know?
guthooked said:
I'm sure it was a great hunt... it sounds like it. But you needn't get defensive because you put a photo on here with someone in the act of breaking the law... I'm surprised the thread hasn't been removed yet. It should be.

If it was a game law that you had allowed him to break people would be crucifying this thread... How is this different?

I'm disappointed that you put the photo on here and that you allowed him to do it.

It's awesome that you took him hunting though.

How do kids know which laws are okay to break and which aren't?
How do adults know?

How about you take a look at this other thread I posted and stop throwing stones.... What I do is my business and mine alone.... How many kids underage DRINK, DO DRUGS, SMOKE CIGARETTES, AND BREAK SERIOUS LAWS? Sometimes the government & people need to BUTT OUT of others business and let them do as they see fit in their own situation..... there was a time this happened and the world was a much better place!!!

What Are You Focused On?

I didn't see he had a dip in until AFTER I posted the pics or else I would have made him spit it out BEFORE taking pics... they are the only ones I took.
guthooked said:
I'm sure it was a great hunt... it sounds like it. But you needn't get defensive because you put a photo on here with someone in the act of breaking the law... I'm surprised the thread hasn't been removed yet. It should be.

If it was a game law that you had allowed him to break people would be crucifying this thread... How is this different?

I'm disappointed that you put the photo on here and that you allowed him to do it.

It's awesome that you took him hunting though.

How do kids know which laws are Kay to break and which aren't?
How do adults know?

I don't mean to take anything from the Kids post on his kill.

I just got to say or ask, guthooked how would you know what type of thread gets pulled from this site when your such a new member here? Have you gotten a new name just to make these kinds of negative post or did you get ban and just start over with a new name just to stir the pot some more?
So which is it?
guthooked said:
I'm sure it was a great hunt... it sounds like it. But you needn't get defensive because you put a photo on here with someone in the act of breaking the law... I'm surprised the thread hasn't been removed yet. It should be.

If it was a game law that you had allowed him to break people would be crucifying this thread... How is this different?

I'm dissapointed that you put the photo on here and that you allowed him to do it.
It's awesome that you took him hunting though.

How do kids know which laws are okay to break and which aren't?
How do adults know?

I usually don't reply to someones post, but yours just draws it out of me. What business is it yours or anyone else what this young man has in his lip. The young man has done what some people has tried to do their whole life and that is to shoot a very nice turkey. If you don't have something nice to say then you could at least just read the post and go to the next one. Comments like this is what will turn a lot of kids away from the sport we all love. MODS, I don't claim to be very smart on some of the terms used on this site and if this is flaming or whatever you call it then I am sorry for that. Do what has to be done but I just had to get this out of my craw.
Oh and Griz don't bother replying to post like that no need to defend you or him.
Cuttin Caller said:
Oh and Griz don't bother replying to post like that no need to defend you or him.

Well you know, everyone has their opinions.... but I know quite a few folks personally on here, but I don't want the rest of ya'll to think his mother and I are no-good low account parents that lack the ability and knowledge to raise a child.....

Again, thank you all for your support.