Boy Got His First Turkey.........

Grizzly Johnson said:
Cuttin Caller said:
Oh and Griz don't bother replying to post like that no need to defend you or him.

Well you know, everyone has their opinions.... but I know quite a few folks personally on here, but I don't want the rest of ya'll to think his mother and I are no-good low account parents that lack the ability and knowledge to raise a child.....

Again, thank you all for your support.
People that have never had children that age don't understand that they usually wind up doing what they want not necessairly what you want them to.

Congratulations on the kill!
Truthfully, I didn't mean to flame... I overreacted yesterday. Sorry.

I won't lie. I do think that there was some validity to my point, but I probably chose the wrong forum to make that point. For references sake, I work with high-school-aged kids all the time and have for 13 years. The reason I responded at all is because I cared. Take it for what it's worth.

On Saturday morning I took a 16 year old (not mine) and he regailed me of stories of deer-hunting with his uncle. He told me stories of road-hunting and hunting over bait. We did it the right way and were totally legal and missed a twenty-five yard shot. But I was pretty upset and irritated by what his own uncle had already taught him was okay... breaking the law. He even asked if it would be easier to hunt turkeys over corn.

I understand that culturally we accept dip more than smoking even. Grizz you made that very clear. My point was simply that we're always sending a message.

And to whomever it was, I made my first post two years ago, I just don't post that often. I read nearly every day and have for about six years. I posted because I cared and was bothered. Again I acknowledge that this was the wrong time and place. sorry.
guthooked said:
Truthfully, I didn't mean to flame... I overreacted yesterday. Sorry.

I won't lie. I do think that there was some validity to my point, but I probably chose the wrong forum to make that point. For references sake, I work with high-school-aged kids all the time and have for 13 years. The reason I responded at all is because I cared. Take it for what it's worth.

On Saturday morning I took a 16 year old (not mine) and he regailed me of stories of deer-hunting with his uncle. He told me stories of road-hunting and hunting over bait. We did it the right way and were totally legal and missed a twenty-five yard shot. But I was pretty upset and irritated by what his own uncle had already taught him was okay... breaking the law. He even asked if it would be easier to hunt turkeys over corn.

I understand that culturally we accept dip more than smoking even. Grizz you made that very clear. My point was simply that we're always sending a message.

And to whomever it was, I made my first post two years ago, I just don't post that often. I read nearly every day and have for about six years. I posted because I cared and was bothered. Again I acknowledge that this was the wrong time and place. sorry.

Thank you for that explanation sir, I accept your apology, and no hard feelings. We all should strive to do our best, provide for our children and to want what's best for them.

Hate to hear about the miss, but at least you showed that young man the right way to go about it...... Best of luck in the coming season.