BSK? Or anyone else

Thanks, learned a lot of it from you!
In the early years we killed 2-3 times as many does as bucks, but that changed after the bad EHD epidemic.
Same here. In the early years, if a hunter on my place reported seeing does, I wanted to see those does dead in the truck! We slaughtered them. And it worked. Then we had the 2007 EHD outbreak and the neighboring migratory bird refuge started slaughtering does. We then placed a moratorium on doe harvests. We're only just now, 15 years later, starting to come off that moratorium.
Same here. In the early years, if a hunter on my place reported seeing does, I wanted to see those does dead in the truck! We slaughtered them. And it worked. Then we had the 2007 EHD outbreak and the neighboring migratory bird refuge started slaughtering does. We then placed a moratorium on doe harvests. We're only just now, 15 years later, starting to come off that moratorium.
I can see from county reports that here in my county, we are killing more bucks than does, and that doesn't include the antlerless males.

Given that bucks already have higher mortality, it seems impossible to me that this could be moving in the right direction.
I can see from county reports that here in my county, we are killing more bucks than does, and that doesn't include the antlerless males.

Given that bucks already have higher mortality, it seems impossible to me that this could be moving in the right direction.
It all comes down to what percentage of the total deer population hunters are killing each year. If it is a small percentage, a slightly higher buck kill won't make much of an impact if fawn recruitment is relatively high (the new crop of equal sex fawns tends to swamp the sex ratio once they become adults on their first birthdays). If hunters are killing a high percentage of the total population, a buck heavy harvest can have an impact on adult sex ratio. In the old days, hunters were probably killing 60% of the buck population each year and few does. That had a MASSIVE impact on sex ratio.

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