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Buffalo River Canoeing


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2015
Where planning on going tomorrow for my wife's birthday, but It looks like its going to rain all night and most of the day.

I've kayaked down the river 5-6 times already but never after a hard rain. We have no problem with rain, it doesn't stop us often...but I know that those hard rains can wash a lot of trees out and really get the river flowing. Have any of you guys ever had experience with this river during or after a rain?

Has anyone ever fished the river? I'm thinking about bringing my pole but don't want to lug it around if the bites just not there.
It's not bad while it's raining as long as it's not severe weather and the fishing is pretty good small mouth and black perch mostly what I fish for
thanks, I think where just going to "go for it" and see what happens. Thats what life jackets are for right?

yeah I see lots of smallies and what looks like trout swimming around. I think im just going to toss around a small grub on a 1/16 oz jig, I've caught just about everything under the sun on this set up. Ill be happy with a few bluegill
We are planning on going tomorrow as well,fishing is better of morn. Or eve.,but you can catch them at anytime.we usually use buffalo River resort and that strech of river sees a lot of traffic.if you see two lime green kayaks with hook1 stickers on them that's us
We didn't end up going, My wife decided she would rather fish on the boat(more like lay around and sun..)

Did you guys make it? The rain finished up around 11:30, I think we would have been fine. Meanwhile where getting blown around the lake like a paper boat

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