Busting the flock - article


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
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Franklin TN
man I have shied away from busting up a flock and calling them back, because I like to be undetected till I pull the trigger, I like to ambush, spot and stalk, or use hen talk to call them in. But heck if I get in the right situation I might try busting a flock up just one time.... Here is an article that the NWTF posted on Facebook -

http://www.turkeycountrymagazine.com/Me ... rkeys.html
so busting the flock is the only REAL way to fall hunt just like calling a gobbler to the gun is the only REAL way to spring hunt... :grin:

but seriously I think I may give it a try this year.
catman529 said:
so busting the flock is the only REAL way to fall hunt just like calling a gobbler to the gun is the only REAL way to spring hunt... :grin:

but seriously I think I may give it a try this year.

sounds like you might be catchin on... ;)
catman529 said:
so if they open a Summer turkey season, will it be OK to shoot them from the roost???

anybody can cheat a turkey out of its life...don't you want to be better than that?
sure I do but when I want the meat I don't care as much about the means as long as it's legal. If I bust the flock it will be more for the hunt than the meat and if I ambush then it's more for the meat. I don't plan to shoot any more off the roost unless I really want one that bad.
catman529 said:
sure I do but when I want the meat I don't care as much about the means as long as it's legal. If I bust the flock it will be more for the hunt than the meat and if I ambush then it's more for the meat. I don't plan to shoot any more off the roost unless I really want one that bad.

if your in it for the meat (giant eye roll)..then you would be much better off just going to Kroger.. ;)
sure would not, wild turkey is much healthier than Kroger turkey, and I like knowing I went in the woods and killed something and not just went and bought it. But I assume you are joking... ;)
about the meat? you don't get that much meat off a 25 lb wild turkey.

what you pay on license fees, shells, camo and such far outcosts what it would be to buy a turkey. several deer in a year would be worth the cost because of the amount of meat but not turkey.

you shot a turkey off the roost because that is what you wanted to do. legal. just don't say it is because it was for the meat. i cannot believe that.
catman529 said:
sure would not, wild turkey is much healthier than Kroger turkey, and I like knowing I went in the woods and killed something and not just went and bought it. But I assume you are joking... ;)

aint no jokin' when you're talkin turkeys... :cool:

cat, seems like you need to educate yourself a bit on the etiquette of a turkey hunter.. :blush:...do yourself a favor & read a few books on the subject.....if'n i was you i would check out "The old pro turkey hunter" by Gene Nunnery...its a great read for any turkey hutner..but a must for someone new to the sport :)
key word "sport" - I do it for the sport, but sometimes also for the meat, now why do the meat hunters get a bad rap? I think all types of hunting have a common root and that's for meat, hides, and feathers....
catman529 said:
key word "sport" - I do it for the sport, but sometimes also for the meat, now why do the meat hunters get a bad rap? I think all types of hunting have a common root and that's for meat, hides, and feathers....

this has to be one of the most wishy washy posts i have ever read.....you do it for the sport but then again you do it for the meat... :grin: :grin:..& please tell me what kind of "sport" there is in shooting a bird from its roost.. :confused:
wait you are saying I can't do it both for sport and for meat? Sometimes I may set out to call one in and not want to sneak up on it while it's roosting. Actually I don't plan to shoot any more off the roost unless it's the end of the season and I haven't filled a tag. Sometimes I don't care for sport as much as I want to fill a tag. It depends on the day and scenario and what mood I am in.... also, the turkeys don't care how I kill them, because they don't want to be killed at all. The reason I want so much turkey meat is because I am still living with my family of 7 who are rather health conscious and would choose wild turkey over store bought meat because it's healthier... so I don't get all the meat to myself and don't get to share much outside of the family. Plus I have always liked the rewarding thing of harvesting my own food rather than just buying it.

Back to the sport vs. meat hunting... for example, this fall I plan to sneak up and ambush a flock, shooting as many as I can before they scatter out of range. I find that a pretty fun hunt but it's mainly so I can get a few birds in the freezer (and one for thanksgiving). Now if I go and try to bust up a flock and call them back in, that is mainly for the sport and enjoyment of the hunt and meat comes secondary in that situation.

Don't you get what I am saying? What is so wishy washy?
I really dont see the big deal. He did what he wanted to do legally and it made him happy. I myself dont care about shooting one of the roost but there was a time when I was young I wouldnt have cared a bit to shoot one in the bed :D I have heard so many negative comments about catmans roost bird but havent heard a peep about poachers and roadhunters. Back in the day people used to shoot birds off the roost at night! Anyway there may come a day when catman dosent see any joy and killing one off the roost but thast his decision and no one elses.I just worry about my own enjoyment hunting turkeys and not everyone elses. Good luck this fall!
It wouldn't be one i would brag about but hes only been hunting a couple years maybe he will come around.
Rockhound said:
It wouldn't be one i would brag about but hes only been hunting a couple years maybe he will come around.
i don't brag about shooting one off the roost, it was not a challenging hunt, just a meat hunt and a rookie's 2nd gobbler, and that is why I defend it, because people like to harp on you for not hunting a turkey the "right way" when hunting was originally for meat anyway.
Im not harping, thats just whatever floats your boat. But be mindful you hunt public land, some of the same public land that I, and many others on this forum hunt. What if someone else had been set up on that bird a 100 yds away in the other direction trying to call the bird up and kill it? You walk up and shoot a roosted bird that someone else is set up on things could go south and turn ugly very quickly. One thing your not accounting for is the other mans attitude, you never know who is wandering out there.
Rockhound said:
Im not harping, thats just whatever floats your boat. But be mindful you hunt public land, some of the same public land that I, and many others on this forum hunt. What if someone else had been set up on that bird a 100 yds away in the other direction trying to call the bird up and kill it? You walk up and shoot a roosted bird that someone else is set up on things could go south and turn ugly very quickly. One thing your not accounting for is the other mans attitude, you never know who is wandering out there.
well i hope it wouldn't come to that, it's public land and is shared among a lot of different type of hunters, long as they aren't breaking the law or knowingly getting in the way of someone else's hunt, then it shouldn't be a problem... on a similar note I had a guy walk in and set up a blind and decoys 350 yards from where I was set up near the roost this spring, he came in after I did and ended up killing a turkey before I could, but then the birds just came back across the field and I killed one too, and we got pics of our birds and carried them out, that was a cool hunt.
You've not met a whole lot of people if you dont think someone will get highly upset over that. Respect the other hunters means if theres a possibility that someone else is set up on that bird. If you know there is someone else on a bird and you shoot it off the roost anyway. I can guarantee things will get dirty, that would just be plain sorry, back off and see which one are the better woodsman