Can you just imagine..

Could be a good spot. Maybe the guy killed a buck. And since those old stands were heavy. He said he would come back for it. As the buck was more important at the time. No telling what happened to the guy though after that.
Oh my. That reminds me of when I first started hunting in the early eighties and I had an old climber that you had to fold out to make it work. I was so green i had strapped it to a tree several times before I figured out it folded out and I climbed and hung from it unfolded at a bad angle I ended up with hemorrhoids 😂
I had one in college and hauled it up and down the hills of Jackson county. It was heavy, had 2 rubber hooks on the side so I'd climb with my gun strapped in, had a seat that could move so you could face the tree or back to it, and spikes that dug into the tree could make it an adventure because they'd almost dig in too good.
This has been hanging here since we bought our land 17 years ago, I like to look up at it on the way out from hunting.
Since they are heavy guy probably just left it in woods and possibly the land sold/lost lease and wasn't allowed back on property to retrieve it or just didn't want to put effort in retrieving it

Property i started hunting this year has 3 fairly new ladder stands on it. The guys that used to hunt property just never came to get them when they stopped hunting the property

Still have mine and dad still has his in garage. Haven't used them in several years.
I had one in college and hauled it up and down the hills of Jackson county. It was heavy, had 2 rubber hooks on the side so I'd climb with my gun strapped in, had a seat that could move so you could face the tree or back to it, and spikes that dug into the tree could make it an adventure because they'd almost dig in too good.
Yep, me too. The seat was nothing more than a piece of sheet metal that was held on with a wing screwed to a bolt that was welded to the frame. Unscrew wing nut, move sheet metal and reattach with wing nut to the other bolt. Hunt forward or backward.
We were some high tech rednecks back then. Haha
That's cool, really makes you wonder about the circumstances surrounding it being left there. I have a few loc-on stands that I've left up on my property, the oldest one, up since at least 06, is still my go-to stand, as it's grown into the tree as well.
in fascinated by old treestands, especially old wooden ones who remants cling to to trees for decades. Makes me wonder the story behind them and the hunts they saw many many autumns moons ago
When we bought our place in '87 there were some old 2x4 stands nailed up in trees. Some were very old. over the years, I realized that whoever built those knew their stuff! The were in GREAT locations - places will still hunt to this day.

A few of them are still hanging on - in pieces - in the trees.