Can you just imagine..


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2003
Reaction score
Middle TN
……….how long this old Amacker has been on this tree—-and who took the last step off this thing? Was it a successful hunt? Did he (or she) see a good buck that day but was not able to get a shot off, and said to themself, "I'll just leave it here and come back in a day or two and maybe get that bruiser then." And never came back.
Imagination. It's a powerful thing.

(I borrowed this pic from another forum I am on. It's not on my hunting property so I know nothing about it. I just thought it was so cool and so unique and just begs so many questions….)
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I had one just like it, still have it I think up in the barn.I built old wooden stands years before manufactured stands came out, of course I started deer hunting in1967!!
That is crazy. My imagination was thinking how long it would take to get this way. My guess would be it was an ok spot but they didn't see anything on their last hunt. Then they lost interest in hunting for whatever reason and never went back. Probably thought a few times "I need to go get that stand" but soon it was a distant memory and they never fooled with it. Nothing to base this on, just a thought. Cool picture though.
I had an old baker, homemade stands out of conduit. I guess the Good Lord was watching out for me. Never had a slip up.
I found an old loggy bayou stand several years ago that was grown into the tree just like that one. It is still there as far as I know.
If old treestands could talk....we had an old loc-on on our place for years. The chain hook finally bent or broke from the tree growth and it fell...I picked it up and hauled it out....screw in steps were barely visible.
Also had two old wooden ladder stands that have fallen and mostly rotted. Few remnants of one of the ladder stands is in area where we hunt morels in the spring...often wonder about that old stand.