
After scrolling through 9 pages of this mess.. I've come to the conclusion about 98% of folks like and/or respect catman.. Not bad for someone who is supposedly so hated on here!!

Same here. Not really sure what the fuss is all about. I don't know him but from what I can tell he seems like a genuinely solid man who simply marches to the beat of his own drum. I see nothing wrong with him helping somebody retrieve a deer. I'd have done the same regardless of how I felt about the hunter. Can't fault somebody for being kind. I'm not a fan of killing animals I don't intend to eat. It feels wrong to me and borders wanton waste, which it would be if not for the caveat of "hunters for the hungry". But I'm not well informed of that program. It may be a very beneficial program for feeding folks, and if that's the case then it's the perfect outlet for folks who like killing things. Not my bag personally but I'm not worthy enough a man to judge others either.

Threads like this specifically targeting a person who isn't here to offer their own point of view seems slimy & underhanded. However, by putting himself in the public arena he opened that door himself. The entire premise of YouTube is people wanting others to look at them, so don't cry when you get the attention you're looking for.
Reminds me of something I saw online that said, "You can volunteer at a soup kitchen to feed the poor, but when you post it on social media you are feeding your ego."
Last time I volunteered I posted about it. 4 other people showed up to volunteer. I just wanted to share about the program and it worked. So that is a double edged sword on that one IMHO
Speak for yourself! Nothing throws me off like a unrealistic plot!!
"hello, I'm here to deliver the pizza to the 18 year old daughter alone in the bikini. What? You don't have any money to pay me and could we work it out. Sure, I need some help putting up this double stand.
Does this plot throw you off?
Speak for yourself! Nothing throws me off like a unrealistic plot!!

I kill buttons too

Y'all can't run me off

Heck yeah.....

I killed a small yearling once. I cubed all the meat, the wife cooked the cubed meat in the crock pot with potatoes, carrots and onions. It was one of the most tender and delicious meals I've had!
Heck yeah.....

I killed a small yearling once. I cubed all the meat, the wife cooked the cubed meat in the crock pot with potatoes, carrots and onions. It was one of the most tender and delicious meals I've had!
Ain't nothing like a young tender!
It's just your typical social media hate…. A lot of "big bad guys" hiding behind a screen name and their phone/laptop who wouldn't have the balls to say what they say on here to the face of those that stalk and harass out of jealousy and their holier than thou fake ethics.
Catman is a good guy who could care less what people think, and isn't going to allow a bunch of blowhards change who he is or who he associates with.
Some folks just need to grow up and live their own life instead of trying to control the lives of others.
I went hunting with Catman a few times. Showed up in his red pickup truck and carried in his hand me down equipment. Catman is very resourceful. He never had the newest, best thing. Just a plain bow or Marlin 3030 and a camera.

I watched him grow on here. Good young man that was eager to learn. I see a lot of similarities with myself when I started.
Same here
My only beef with Catman is his hypocrisy. He slammed me for displaying deer I killed on my vehicle or trailer as I drove from my hunting location to my home. He said it was too graphic for non hunting people and would turn them against hunting people. Now he is making money shooting deer for the entire world to see.
Catman blows, as does anyone else who "kills for content" or, unless literally starving, intentionally targets a fawn or does with fawns. Using the "hunters for the hungry" excuse is nothing but a pawn. You want to do a needy person or family, who actually will eat the meat, a favor, give it to them.
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Catman blows, as does anyone else who "kills for content" or, unless literally starving, intentionally targets a fawn or does with fawns. Using the "hunters for the hungry" excuse is nothing but a pawn. You want to do a needy person or family, who actually will eat the meat, a favor, give it to them.
That's exactly what hunters for the hungry does lol, and if people didn't kill deer and donate to them they wouldn't be able to feed needy families.
That's exactly what hunters for the hungry does lol, and if people didn't kill deer and donate to them they wouldn't be able to feed needy families.
As stated by someone above, most of what gets donated goes to waste. Anyone who doesn't believe that, go volunteer to cut meat for them one time. Seen it first hand in 3 different states ;)