
Y'all getting your feelings hurt over that one. It has 0 to do with the population dynamics of the properties he hunts .
Having the ability and free time to kill that many deer vs the need to kill that many are 2 different things. If you just like flinging arrows and slinging lead go to a range.

As for others on here that kill to check off a list. I don't agree with that either, but at least it's not on YouTube.
That's hilarious 😂 like anyone cares howmany deer you think they should kill, like your opinion matters😂😂hunters for the hungry is a great program that i donate to every year.
I agree with all of this.

But Yanahli didn't get bad until this guy broadcasted it. I don't care what anyone says.

Yea it's Public land, bla bla bla bla frick…..

It is absolutely a mad house there. Yea people still kill nice deer and turkeys. And yes it can be enjoyable. It for the most part it isn't. Yea the same amount of deer and turkeys are being killed,…… but the percentage of hunter satisfaction has decreased significantly.
I hunted that WMA for years before Catman was around and I call BS on him outing that WMA. He was around 6 when I stated hunting there and there was an orange vest behind every tree in the main part of the wma. I've seen guys from east tn come over and fill a trailer with deer in a weekend for the last 20 years.
Or instead of having to kill 1 more doe to feed the family instead, of spending that time hunting they could be working a job to feed their family. Because you have more kids to feed than others doesn't mean you can dictate how many deer we kill. Or maybe talk to those guys killing over the amount you approve of and get some tips from them on how to kill more deer.
He willingly admits that it was his own ignorance to mention WMA names on here several years ago when he didn't realize the effect it would have. I'd sure hope by now everyone knows better than to do that.
I did it when I first joined, and was reprimanded, and listened, and changed, and see why it was a big deal now. I'm glad someone told me it wasn't a good idea. Glad I learned!!
I've got plenty to think about other than what Catman does or doesn't do besides it could be worse. The YouTube thing could have been around back when deer hunting was at a fever pitch and competitive as hell here. That would have been much worse than this.
I remember 10 years or so ago he was camping and hunting President Island on Doe hunt. I loaned him my four wheeler so he could hunt further on the days i couldn't hunt and he was very thankful.... i've watched him grow and learn and have recently started watching some of his vidoes.... he's doing great...
Not sure exactly if he lives in his parents garage or rents the place out from someone else. Best I remember years ago his parents lived in a subdivision and he'd hunt out back of it. So don't think he's living with them.

Either way, how many kids should he have to justify killing 20+ deer a year? What is the quota on kids to deer ratio? Who cares what his living situation is or how many kids he has or didn't have or what his marital status is. Sounds to me like he's got it figured out. No kids, no wife, hardly any bills. Hunt and fish anytime he wants.
EXACTLY. Its funny when people think they can control how everyone else hunts!!
I've got plenty to think about other than what Catman does or doesn't do besides it could be worse. The YouTube thing could have been around back when deer hunting was at a fever pitch and competitive as hell here. That would have been much worse than this.
Its getting to the point that deer hunting will be for the elites or people who have family farms. The average joe wont be able to compete very soon just because of land prices, development and competition from leasing for hunting rights.
Your neighbor will be selling every deer on his property in a few years time.
I know him personally and he's a great guy. We've had many conversations recently about what he does and how it could be affecting public land hunting in a negative way. Sure he disagrees with me but we've still remained friends since I left TN and almost every time we go to TN to visit family, I make an effort to get together with him to hunt or fish for something. He left the forum because he said he was catching a lot of heat about his videos, getting blamed for ruining spots, and was just tired of arguing about it. I honestly can't say I blame him, there are few things more pointless and unproductive than arguing on the internet.

I don't like his constant KFC (killing for content) of slaughtering every doe he sees, "donating" the meat to Hunters for the Hungry (just an excuse to kill another doe and get rid of it). That bothers me and I've already told him if/when we move back to TN to just call me instead, I'll gladly come get that doe. I eat a lot of deer meat and have two growing daughters and wife who all love deer meat. Or he can just bring it over. We'll have dinner and a few cold beers ready for him then we can get to hacking up that doe in my garage.

One thing that I think he doesn't get is that his opportunity to hunt is WAY different from the average person on here. He isn't married, has no kids, lives in a small room in a barn house so he has very little bills to pay. He doesn't have to work much to pay his bills, especially with YouTube ad revenue coming in.

This means he gets to hunt a LOT more than the average family man with a full-time, M-F job, and also gets to hunt a lot during the week. The majority of us are limited to mostly weekend hunting when we'll experience the majority of the pressure and so we get extra frustrated by the YouTubers who, without a doubt, are making that worse.

My opinion is that if he was restricted to only hunting weekends for an entire deer and turkey season, he'd throw those cameras in the trash, learn a trade, make his money that way, and never tell a soul other than family and close friends about anything he kills. And he'd only kill what he is going to eat. No more of this killing 15-20 deer a season and only eating one or two.

But trust me, for those that haven't met him, he's a very nice guy and a great friend. I wish he'd put the cameras down, as well as every YouTuber, but I'm afraid this social media hunting is only going to get worse and it's only going to cause more issues.
Well said 👍
This post made me subscribe to Catmans YouTube and watch several episodes today. Not because I didn't want to before I've just never been a big YouTuber. But I enjoyed his episodes and look forward to more. It's real life stuff and no editing and hiding stuff.
And because you love cats !!!
I will admit I used to kill in double figures because I had alot of people wanting deer . My little brother was living with my mom at the time fresh out of the Navy but couldn't find work . They was struggling with mom's small check so I gave them 4 to 5 deer a year to eat , really helped them. But once they didn't need that many and alot of people who wanted deer wouldn't take them when I'd call them . Well if you processed it first them they'd take it . I just got tired of fooling with them to be honest so I cut back to just 2 to 4 deer. Then to just maybe a couple , bunch of years I wouldn't think of shooting a doe . But to be honest I could care less how many any one person wants to kill as long as it's legal ...go for it.
So a quick search at shows that his channels net worth is about $116K…over 13 years…annual earnings of about $20K

i don't think he is in for the money…seems like a PIA to film, edit, produce, etc all that goes into it. Must be a labor of love and pure enjoyment.

I have not met him in person and have not had glowing interactions with Catman on TNDeer…but I enjoy his videos when I get a chance to watch them and wish him well. Hope he kills every deer and turkey in middle Tennessee.

on another note: outdoor programming on tv, then promotional videos, then outdoor channel, now you tube. Another media medium will present itself and then what will y'all argue about?