
I know him personally and he's a great guy. We've had many conversations recently about what he does and how it could be affecting public land hunting in a negative way. Sure he disagrees with me but we've still remained friends since I left TN and almost every time we go to TN to visit family, I make an effort to get together with him to hunt or fish for something. He left the forum because he said he was catching a lot of heat about his videos, getting blamed for ruining spots, and was just tired of arguing about it. I honestly can't say I blame him, there are few things more pointless and unproductive than arguing on the internet.

I don't like his constant KFC (killing for content) of slaughtering every doe he sees, "donating" the meat to Hunters for the Hungry (just an excuse to kill another doe and get rid of it). That bothers me and I've already told him if/when we move back to TN to just call me instead, I'll gladly come get that doe. I eat a lot of deer meat and have two growing daughters and wife who all love deer meat. Or he can just bring it over. We'll have dinner and a few cold beers ready for him then we can get to hacking up that doe in my garage.

One thing that I think he doesn't get is that his opportunity to hunt is WAY different from the average person on here. He isn't married, has no kids, lives in a small room in a barn house so he has very little bills to pay. He doesn't have to work much to pay his bills, especially with YouTube ad revenue coming in.

This means he gets to hunt a LOT more than the average family man with a full-time, M-F job, and also gets to hunt a lot during the week. The majority of us are limited to mostly weekend hunting when we'll experience the majority of the pressure and so we get extra frustrated by the YouTubers who, without a doubt, are making that worse.

My opinion is that if he was restricted to only hunting weekends for an entire deer and turkey season, he'd throw those cameras in the trash, learn a trade, make his money that way, and never tell a soul other than family and close friends about anything he kills. And he'd only kill what he is going to eat. No more of this killing 15-20 deer a season and only eating one or two.

But trust me, for those that haven't met him, he's a very nice guy and a great friend. I wish he'd put the cameras down, as well as every YouTuber, but I'm afraid this social media hunting is only going to get worse and it's only going to cause more issues.
Great post. I still think he let the fame of YouTube get the best off him. Sounds like I was right.
I am not one that posts a lot on here, so if that disqualifies my opinion, just scroll past this post.
I love to come here and read the posts, I love to deer hunt, even though I haven't hunted much due to health issues in the last several years. I had to cancel an out of state trip yesterday for that reason. However, I have been blessed with a lot of success in the woods, and on the water as I love to fish as well. I have never been one to try to age a deer before I pulled the trigger or let go of the string, I am a firm believer that the trophy lives between the Hunter's ears not the deer's. If it is a legal kill, congratulations and enjoy the meat, and let no one else's comments bother you.
I started my deer hunting journey back when if you saw a deer track, you had a good season. If you killed something, strangers came to your house to see it, and your picture might even end up on the Woods and Waters TV show with Bill Jay and Bill Clay!

I don't know Catman, I don't Know SeekOne, and have not seen their videos. I say that to say this, if they are hunting legally and have the proper license, why be critical of their success? They put in the work, got permission or utilized public land and made it work! That is an awesome feeling, I hope that you can say it has happened to you.

I have learned a lot by reading the posts on here, I have learned a lot on my own. Nothing is more exciting than hunting a knew spot and figuring it out, and having the chance to take an animal. I say having the chance, because I have a habit of screwing up that chance on occasion.

God has given us a lot of to be thankful for, get out and enjoy those blessings while you can. Thanks for taking the time to let me do some philosophising (is that even a word), and enjoy your posts. Have a great season and my God bless you all!
Amen brother. Hunt and let hunt. We need to stick together and support one another.
One thing that I think he doesn't get is that his opportunity to hunt is WAY different from the average person on here. He isn't married, has no kids, lives in a small room in a barn house so he has very little bills to pay.
So he lives in his parents garage… well that explains a lot I guess. All about the killing for content, it's more important to get that like than it is to pass those button bucks he seems to always kill.
This is the thing that really pisses me off, I personally killed 6 last year. Feeding the kids being the primary reason, we only had exactly 4 lbs of burger and maybe 3lbs of steaks left at the beginning of this season. A single kid living in his parents garage shouldn't kill 20+ deer a year just because it's legal. And don't give me the "but it's DoNaTED" BS. I'd bet the hunters for the hungry programs across the nation have a hard time giving everything away, if fact I'd bet some percentage ends up in the landfill.

What a tool.
I like catman, but he straight up gave up many spots and ruined some great ones. He's no different than other YouTube hunters in that he wants likes and subscribers. Once you start doing collaborations with others in the YouTube game, you are not doing it cause you like to film hunts but instead for the notoriety and the likes.

Do I like how he hunts though? Absolutely. He hunts like I learned how to Turkey hunt just not near as aggressively. He is respectful and works hard at it. I'd like to drink beer and catfish with him.
So show me where he gave up some spots? I know that his videos over the last 4 or 5 years have never mentioned a name, landmark or anything that would remotely give his location away to anyone that didn't already know it.
When they spent five minutes showing how the ugly chick washes her feet at camp I was done. Warb is a phenomenal hunter and I like Ted, but I can't take the ugly chick.
When Aaron and Andy melton had the cabelas spring thunder, That was one show I fell in love with. It was so simple yet brilliant !!
I like Catman and his hunting style but you must remember he's got a different agenda and has from the beginning. His goal was more than just to learn to hunt but also to turn it into extra income at the least and a living at the best.

Anyone that wants to make a living from doing something we love to do as a hobby or sport or for recreation only will at some level disagree with their methods. I admire his dogged style of hunting hard until the bitter end. Something I can no longer do!

I don't blame him for making money but I think it distracts from the pure joy of the hunt. I like to keep that for myself.

I wish him the best because he's been pretty successful in an industry that chews you up and spits you out. I don't envy what he's trying to do.
So he lives in his parents garage… well that explains a lot I guess. All about the killing for content, it's more important to get that like than it is to pass those button bucks he seems to always kill.
This is the thing that really pisses me off, I personally killed 6 last year. Feeding the kids being the primary reason, we only had exactly 4 lbs of burger and maybe 3lbs of steaks left at the beginning of this season. A single kid living in his parents garage shouldn't kill 20+ deer a year just because it's legal. And don't give me the "but it's DoNaTED" BS. I'd bet the hunters for the hungry programs across the nation have a hard time giving everything away, if fact I'd bet some percentage ends up in the landfill.

What a tool.
I don't have a dog in this hunt but best I remember he was killing a ton of deer even before YT. As many different properties as I imagine he's hunting he's not even making any sort of dent in the population. I've killed well over 10 deer a year for quite a few years now and I might eat one full deer a year. I can assure you that I'm not a tool nor would you label me one if we knew each other personally. I don't know the guy from Adam but I'd be willing to bet that much like me he just loves slinging arrows at does moreso than he's just purely killing for content.
So he lives in his parents garage… well that explains a lot I guess. All about the killing for content, it's more important to get that like than it is to pass those button bucks he seems to always kill.
This is the thing that really pisses me off, I personally killed 6 last year. Feeding the kids being the primary reason, we only had exactly 4 lbs of burger and maybe 3lbs of steaks left at the beginning of this season. A single kid living in his parents garage shouldn't kill 20+ deer a year just because it's legal. And don't give me the "but it's DoNaTED" BS. I'd bet the hunters for the hungry programs across the nation have a hard time giving everything away, if fact I'd bet some percentage ends up in the landfill.

What a tool.
He doesn't live in his parents garage, he rents an apartment from a lady in her barn. Also, who cares how many deer he kills in a year, he hunts public and private land all across TN and public lands in KY, AL, IN, MS and other states too. Not like he's killing them all off of one property.
So he lives in his parents garage… well that explains a lot I guess. All about the killing for content, it's more important to get that like than it is to pass those button bucks he seems to always kill.
This is the thing that really pisses me off, I personally killed 6 last year. Feeding the kids being the primary reason, we only had exactly 4 lbs of burger and maybe 3lbs of steaks left at the beginning of this season. A single kid living in his parents garage shouldn't kill 20+ deer a year just because it's legal. And don't give me the "but it's DoNaTED" BS. I'd bet the hunters for the hungry programs across the nation have a hard time giving everything away, if fact I'd bet some percentage ends up in the landfill.

What a tool.
Not sure exactly if he lives in his parents garage or rents the place out from someone else. Best I remember years ago his parents lived in a subdivision and he'd hunt out back of it. So don't think he's living with them.

Either way, how many kids should he have to justify killing 20+ deer a year? What is the quota on kids to deer ratio? Who cares what his living situation is or how many kids he has or didn't have or what his marital status is. Sounds to me like he's got it figured out. No kids, no wife, hardly any bills. Hunt and fish anytime he wants.
I don't think this forum is fitting for fame seeking or monetizing traditional values like hunting. That being said, if someone is popular in social media, famous rock singer or a big time business owner millionaire type and they come on this forum...they should do so to learn, share knowledge, support others and celebrate the successful hunts.
Catman came on here when he first started hunting. He was just very young man at the time. I've had several different avatars over the years just because of being what I thought was hacked. So had to make a new several times. He puts a lot of scouting in and stays in the outdoors. His videos are entertaining and you can learn some things. Very to the point with no drama. I've never thought of him as famous and he probably feels the same.
Y'all getting your feelings hurt over that one. It has 0 to do with the population dynamics of the properties he hunts .
Having the ability and free time to kill that many deer vs the need to kill that many are 2 different things. If you just like flinging arrows and slinging lead go to a range.

As for others on here that kill to check off a list. I don't agree with that either, but at least it's not on YouTube.
There's another on here that kills does to check them off the list. Smh

And what a long list it is!!!!
So he lives in his parents garage… well that explains a lot I guess. All about the killing for content, it's more important to get that like than it is to pass those button bucks he seems to always kill.
This is the thing that really pisses me off, I personally killed 6 last year. Feeding the kids being the primary reason, we only had exactly 4 lbs of burger and maybe 3lbs of steaks left at the beginning of this season. A single kid living in his parents garage shouldn't kill 20+ deer a year just because it's legal. And don't give me the "but it's DoNaTED" BS. I'd bet the hunters for the hungry programs across the nation have a hard time giving everything away, if fact I'd bet some percentage ends up in the landfill.

What a tool.
It's not his parent's garage. He rents a room in a barn near Franklin. And if you re-read my post you'll clearly see my stance is AGAINST killing 20 does a year just to donate them. Just because he's my friend doesn't mean I support everything he does. We had a long chat last night about this thread, killing for content, and his buddy Seek 1. We don't agree on much on either of those topics but we did agree this conversation is better had around a fire in November when I'm back in TN the week of Thanksgiving and we'd just finished killing a few WMA deer. Of course, I'll be taking all the meat back to South Carolina with me, no donating.

I don't like the KFC (killing for content) and donating the deer, he knows it. We've talked about it a few times. These YouTubers are basically killing wildlife for profit only and that doesn't sit well with me. And I am in the same situation as you where I want to kill deer to feed my family. So it annoys me that there are guys like him, and everyone trying to be like him, killing way more than they need, donating the meat, while guys like us are busting our butts wanting to kill just one more doe for our family before the season ends. But she doesn't exist because of the KFC crews out there.
I agree with all of this.

But Yanahli didn't get bad until this guy broadcasted it. I don't care what anyone says.

Yea it's Public land, bla bla bla bla frick…..

It is absolutely a mad house there. Yea people still kill nice deer and turkeys. And yes it can be enjoyable. It for the most part it isn't. Yea the same amount of deer and turkeys are being killed,…… but the percentage of hunter satisfaction has decreased significantly.
He willingly admits that it was his own ignorance to mention WMA names on here several years ago when he didn't realize the effect it would have. I'd sure hope by now everyone knows better than to do that.