
I was on here when he first started out and have met him once, He seems to be a really good guy and works hard, actually way harder than me, at being a successful hunter. I follow him on youtube and truly enjoy his hunts. I don't get how he was criticized just because he befriended other people that some of you don't like. I don't watch Seek one but but it's really childish to put a guy down just because he is friends with them.
No, I mean running around like childish dumbasses. I'm glad they're doing what they love for a living. Hope they have a great time. Aaron I can still watch some but past that I'm out. He's a little more low key.

Their videos have changed in that they used to be rather informative and now it's more yuck yuck yuck, ar, ar , ar. To me their videos seem different and I'm sure they have gotten more professional but they have also became more commercial and that doesn't interest me. I don't watch Realtree or the Drury's, etc for those reasons.

I don't get into the crying and shaking, "give me a minute" guys and I don't get into the the guys that act childish and I don't get into commercialism hunting. If they act that way I wish them well and hope they make a bunch of money I just won't be watching them.

Their idea of fun and mine can be completely different and that's ok.
When I'm around several of my friends we joke and don't act our ages either, that's part of the fun of having close friends.
All the YouTuber/influencer crowd is part of one big circle jerk. You jerk me, I'll jerk you back. You go on my podcast for exposure, we will both #hashtag the heck out of each other. Give me a product, i'll pimp it out and spam your promo codes for a small kickback. We both make appearances on other YouTube channels to try and gain each other's followers. Jerk, jerk, jerk. Meanwhile, certain channels ruin public land spots (catman was guilty of this but to his credit recognized the error of his ways and acknowledged what he'd done), help cause point creep across a multitude of states, and perform actions that give hunting a black eye. All channels aren't bad, but the few bad apples help spoil it all for me.
When I'm around several of my friends we joke and don't act our ages either, that's part of the fun of having close friends.

Good, I don't have to watch you on YouTube either.

Im not saying I've not done it too I'm just saying that's not what I'm looking for in a hunting video.


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This post made me subscribe to Catmans YouTube and watch several episodes today. Not because I didn't want to before I've just never been a big YouTuber. But I enjoyed his episodes and look forward to more. It's real life stuff and no editing and hiding stuff.
He's got the most authentic, down to earth content out there.

As for the others, I have no comment.
This thread is fun to read both sides of the fence.

Any body hunting legally on social media should be given kudos, regardless if you disagree with how they do it or not (trad, compound, rifle, private, public, etc). Moaning and griping within the community is exactly how people that hate hunting are able to erode away our hunting rights. Hunter growth and retention is an ongoing issue across the board.

Here is my favorite catman video. I always get fired up hoping one day I can knock down 3 deer in one sitting 😂

This thread is fun to read both sides of the fence.

Any body hunting legally on social media should be given kudos, regardless if you disagree with how they do it or not (trad, compound, rifle, private, public, etc). Moaning and griping within the community is exactly how people that hate hunting are able to erode away our hunting rights. Hunter growth and retention is an ongoing issue across the board.

Here is my favorite catman video. I always get fired up hoping one day I can knock down 3 deer in one sitting 😂

That's too much work! 😂 I killed 2 with 1 shot one time and that sucked. Was in some thick stuff on the side of a ridge and thought the second one eased off but was standing behind the one I shot and couldn't see it. Never ever will I intentionally kill more than 1 at a time unless I have somebody that wants it and I have help.
Thumbing through 6 pages of this reinforced something I've wished for a long time, that the internet had never been invented. I'm glad I got to live part of my life where it didn't exist. You younger guys have no idea what you missed out on.
Very, very true
It is sad to see what someone will do for a few virtual likes and shares.

100% a sellout.

Wish he would've kept his a$$ at the first public property he shared / ruined.
😂 y'all really get butt hurt over public land being shown in videos. All you gotta do is go to the hunter toolbox and it'll give you all the info you need. Same with turkeys. I hunt some of the same public he does and have zero issues on deer or turkey.