
Never met him but watched him grow up here not knowing the first thing about deer hunting. We had a few chats and he offered to show me some things on saddle hunting but we couldn't get our schedules together. I don't do a lot of YouTube watching unless I'm trying to figure out how to fix something but do subscribe to his channel. It's a lot easier relating to his videos than monsters being killed in high fences or massive tracts of land that are intensely managed that average Joe will never see. Just because he hangs out with Seek One I could care less. It's the beating of their chest when killing tame deer that turns me off of them. Catman may hunt some places like that as well. I have no idea but seems the majority is public land and his are more informative and things I can relate to.
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Cat is a soild guy it seems and a darn good woodsman. Man, no wonder he left. Tndeer just isn't the same anymore. Some of y'all act like a bunch of women in a beauty salon!
world of warcraft legion GIF
I don't think catman sold out. Tndeer sold him out. Why would he stick around? He made videos and was praised the whole way thru. No one had an issue hitting the like or subscribe button for him until he was seen with the Atlanta bunch. Now, it's all an issue. Jealousy is a heck of a thing to deal with for some.
There's a bit of a difference in being jealous of someone and thinking they are idiots. I'm not talking about Catman either. I'm not judging, if someone wants to be a fanboy but I assure you most of these real "sportsman" aren't jealous.
There's a bit of a difference in being jealous of someone and thinking they are idiots. I'm not talking about Catman either. I'm not judging, if someone wants to be a fanboy but I assure you most of these real "sportsman" aren't jealous.
Rent free in y'all's head. The last 5 threads have proven that.
Catman is a fine fella and am proud to call him a friend, We talk almost daily. We've caught a bunch of fish, killed several deer and turkeys together. Killed several cold beers too🤣. I'm not a fan of seek one either but that's his business. Actually it's probably good for business in his case. They seem to have a large following.
I do not know Catman personally but do follow his channel & creativity. He was here before I showed up and found some of his threads interesting and informative as well as a few of you that have chimed in on this thread. To each their own. I wish him and everyone else the best.
I wish I new trees/vegetation as well as he appears to as it would help with being a better woodsman.
I met him years ago when I met up to give him a one man stand I had. He learned to hunt with a hand me down bow, climber and stands. I will say he has brought more to this board than most. I don't ever remember him talking down or bad to anyone. Much nicer guy than some of the fine contributors here today.
I watch Catman videos he is a down to earth dude. Last I checked he worked UPS. Drives and old flat bed truck. Doesn't waste his money on designer hunting clothes and he kills lots of deer. He came on here years ago and asked lots of questions listened. And then learned to be a real outdoorsman. I don't know him personally. But I do like most all videos he puts out. And I like his attitude and commitment. So no he's not a sellout in my estimation.

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