
I watched about 2 mins of a SeekOne video and I was out. I don't have the animosity towards them that many here do, their videos and style just isn't for me.

I have watched THP for years but they've gotten to where I can't take them any longer. The childish dumbassery in their videos the last bit has just turned me off.

I watch Catman and will continue to do so unless he changes his demeanor.
"childish dumbassery". You mean doing what they love for a living? Having fun with friends, FOR A LIVING? How childish of them to have fun.

No, I mean running around like childish dumbasses. I'm glad they're doing what they love for a living. Hope they have a great time. Aaron I can still watch some but past that I'm out. He's a little more low key.

Their videos have changed in that they used to be rather informative and now it's more yuck yuck yuck, ar, ar , ar. To me their videos seem different and I'm sure they have gotten more professional but they have also became more commercial and that doesn't interest me. I don't watch Realtree or the Drury's, etc for those reasons.

I don't get into the crying and shaking, "give me a minute" guys and I don't get into the the guys that act childish and I don't get into commercialism hunting. If they act that way I wish them well and hope they make a bunch of money I just won't be watching them.

Their idea of fun and mine can be completely different and that's ok.
If I remember correctly Cat got his first bow given to him from Bowriter and used it for many year's. He cut his teeth on public land and killed his first deer there. He is from Williamson County where a lot of kids his age could walk out papaw's back door and shoot a 130 in the middle of November (Early mid 2000's) but he didn't have that luxury so he beat the bush on public land, and in my opinion did everything "the right way". I have kept up with his journey somewhat form being a sponge on here to a YouTube "personality" over the past 10 years and he has acquired a depth of knowledge of being a woodsman and a hunter far greater than his cohorts (SuckOne & THP)

I hope he never loses sight of how he got his start and maintains a solid level of character that represents the majority of Tn Deer Hunters well...and for the love of God never add music to your videos, we watch hunting for the sights and sounds of nature, not preloaded Bossa Nova that makes your ears bleed.
Catman is a fine young man.
He came on tndeer and basically grew up on here.
Didn't know hardly anything about deer hunting and was like a sponge and has become a very good hunter of everything he goes after.
I wish him the best as always and can't wait for another video to come out.
My hat is off to him for the success he has had with his youtube channel as well as in the field.
I always enjoyed Catmans posts. I think we all overthink it. We have deer populations in places that are just unhealthy, especially in the urban/suburban areas. If the hunter is killing and not wasting the meat then I have no qualms with it. With the decrease in hunters over the past decade or so and not on utilizing the reason to hunt, to have a great source of meat, I don't see how if someone is going after game in a legal manner are we to judge. I hunt for meat for the table and to help control what little I do the over dense population even in my rural area. Again my input isn't worth anything probably.
many of use has watched him go from a danger to himself with his homemade stand fiasco to a successful hunter that others now look to for advice and like or not because of people like him is why some kids will get into hunting that may have never experienced it. I have never heard of Catman not willing to help someone else, he has even helped me with spots to hunt when I decided to make the trip out onto his areas to try out something other than East Tennessee hunting.

From what I see he has stayed true to himself and went where the YouTube life led him can't blame him for partnering up with people with huge a huge following for the exposure and to grow his future.

If I was so socially awkward and didn't want to turn into a true life TK and Mike YouTube channel I'd be right there with Catman
Jonathan is a good dude. We've had some disagreements and still don't agree on some things, but that's ok. I almost never watch hunting on YouTube but if I did it would be him. He is a phenomenal hunter and besides studying the internet, he is self taught. I would much rather watch him hunt out of his old trucks and old boats on public land. I honestly can't see how anyone watches the Realtree type shows where guys are riding around in wrapped F250 King Ranch trucks and $25k side by sides on million dollar properties with food plots that are manicured better than golf courses or Seekone killing pet deer out of meemaw's tulips. Catman gave up too much information in his younger years, but I'm sure he regrets that now. I don't care for the commercialization of hunting no matter who is doing it, but that horse is out of the barn.
I love how many people that don't know Jonathan pass judgment on him.
He is a fine young man who grew up in this very site. I remember putting him in the tree where he killed his first public land bow buck. Then I put him and his buck on the cart to cross the creek so his feet wouldn't get wet! lol. We had good times out hunting!
he's good people.
I might be mistaken but I'm pretty sure Cuz Strickland stumbled up on one of Catmans videos, started following him, then Cuz interviewed Cat on HIS podcast lol....that's close to GOAT level status!! I hope he doesn't change the way he hunts and produces content. Catman is old school but he's also the future!
I don't know Catman, Follow him and watch his videos to learn more.... I mean heck no one knows everything and when we stop learning we are dead. We learn everyday... I have learned a lot from his Videos. I struggle with Public land being I have never hunted it in the passed always hunted Private land that had no pressure. So, that being said I have struggled the past 3 years on hunting public and look up to guys like him that have so much success hunting public land. and ill take all the knowledge there is to give.
I use to love me some catman because like an above poster said..he started here asking questions...Then I noticed on fb I'd been blocked by him lol so down with the cat lol but I do like seek one and would invite him to hunt with our club one weekend.