Chattanooga Suburban Hunting

Can't see any reason it would be illegal. He owns the land, so long he shoots the deer on the land he owns, legally doesn't matter where the deer ends up. If the neighbors will not let him retrieve the dead deer, then they can take care of it.
Scn didn't say it was illegal. He made mention of making sure the bait was gone or THAT would be illegal. Also if you want to piss your neighbor off then shooting deer on 2 acres with a bow knowing there's about a 99.9% chance that it will make it off your property and die on someone else's then sure go for it with that attitude of "it's their problem" cause one day you may NEED that neighbor in a time of need and they come back with the "that's your problem". I'd just wait till gun season and bust them in the noggin.
Scn didn't say it was illegal. He made mention of making sure the bait was gone or THAT would be illegal. Also if you want to piss your neighbor off then shooting deer on 2 acres with a bow knowing there's about a 99.9% chance that it will make it off your property and die on someone else's then sure go for it with that attitude of "it's their problem" cause one day you may NEED that neighbor in a time of need and they come back with the "that's your problem". I'd just wait till gun season and bust them in the noggin.
It would depend on the neighbor. I might be okay with the deer dying in their yard.

IMO, "neighbors", in todays world, has a completely different meaning than it did when I was younger. For the most part, there aren't "neighbors" anymore, people stay inside and play video games or look at social media or if you do see them outside they are on their phone. When I grew up we were always outside, knew most everyone in the neighborhood and for the most part shared and helped each other out. Now if you just wave at someone or say hi if you happen to see them outside they stare at you like you are from another planet.

Nah, I wouldn't worry about it. If I wanted to, I would hunt the land I own, do my best to kill the deer on my land, but if the deer ran off and died I would do my best to retrieve it and if the property owner wouldn't let me, so be it.

Also, I know in some counties in that part of the state, I would not worry if the neighbors baited, so long I did not bait. I can guarantee you the judge won't. Actually in a couple counties you can bait on your personal land all you want (I have never baited and I would not even if it was legal) but there are a couple judges that believe if it is your land, then you can do most whatever you want.
If you're new to bow hunting then your main focus needs to be shooting your bow. It's your property so go spend time in the woods and observe deer movement whenever you want. Most importantly learn to shoot that bow and practice from stand or blind you plan on hunting with.
New to Chattanooga. Grew up hunting private land in West TN. I live on Signal Mtn and am thinking about bow hunting in my backyard - live on about two acres that's mostly wooded.

Wondering if many ppl hunt within city limits up here (or around Chatt) - don't want to cause a ruckus with the neighbors. Any insight is much appreciated.
two words... Air Rifle. Invest in a .44, .45, .454, or .50 air rifle and it is legal to have it silenced from the factory as it is not considered a rifle (double check that last part). Also, being it isn't a firearm, I think you wouldn't have to worry about someone whining about discharging a firearm inside city limits. I think they generally knock deer down on the spot, but you still may have an issue with them running over to the neighbors, so I would still ask them, but it would limit that from happening IMO.
what if you miss about 2" to the right or left... you're right, but it is risky.
What if the world quits turning g and we all fall off. No more risky than any other shot with a bow. I get what you are saying, but if I can't put my shots inside a 2 inch circle I do r hunt until I figure out why. I feel the same way about any shot with a bow over 40 yards and I won't take them but know guys who shoot very well at much further.
I dont live in TN. I live in Arkansas. I had to do my urban class this pass Saturday. I got a map of the area letting me know the land i could hunt. And i got 10 deer tags too start with. Unlimited deer tags and either sex. Only thing i have too do is donate my first deer. Season starts September 1st thru February 28th. They told us too take as many deer as we could. If u didn't want the deer. Hunters for hungry would be more than happy too get it. The urban hunt areas are over run with deer. Alot of the places are retired people. That has moved in from up north.
I just can't bring myself to hunt I'm my back yard. There are some great deer that are very much predictable through August but it doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment. Either of these would be my biggest deer ever and both could be shot from my master bedroom window during the velvet hunt.

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Your a much better man than I cause that dude would he shot !!
Your a much better man than I cause that dude would he shot !!
Ha! I value my marriage more than a deer :)

Two different bucks in those pictures. Both were standing in my yard just this morning when I was drinking my coffee on the back porch.

It's easy to say that you would shoot them but when they will stand 20 feet from you and ignore your presence, it's tough to consider killing one.
I say go hunt. Who cares what others think. Anymore in east tn you're in someone's "backyard" anyway. There's Karen's everywhere, even on this forum from the looks of things.
I had this guy in my backyard a few years ago. Would have been my best but couldn't shoot him. 30 yards from my back door. I would have empty the corn two weeks before season.

I dont live in TN. I live in Arkansas. I had to do my urban class this pass Saturday. I got a map of the area letting me know the land i could hunt. And i got 10 deer tags too start with. Unlimited deer tags and either sex. Only thing i have too do is donate my first deer. Season starts September 1st thru February 28th. They told us too take as many deer as we could. If u didn't want the deer. Hunters for hungry would be more than happy too get it. The urban hunt areas are over run with deer. Alot of the places are retired people. That has moved in from up north.
Where in Arkansas?
I know the yuppy city hunting is en vogue right now, but i wouldnt have any interest in killing a deer conditioned to man and urban life. I couldnt stand sitting in the stand here joe mow his yard or charlie grilling in his flip flops. But no doubt there are some big ones killed in these house farms.
I have a friend that lives in Signal Mountain. He has a very nice home on some mostly wooded acres. He finished off a pretty good eight pointer that had made it to his property just behind his home several years ago. He said he first saw through his kitchen window, and it was obviously in destress. Examination showed a nasty gut wound made by an archery shot.