Chattanooga Suburban Hunting

Urban hunt i am hunting in. Not hunting in anyone back yards. Mosty block of woods. U cant hunt around a house. Alot of the people that lives there. They are retired people from up north. Game and Fish is handling these type hunts on. The type people that likes the deer .Until they start eating there small tree's in the yards. Then they want them gone. There r so many deer in the area.
I don't think I ever said it was illegal. Just difficult to do in an ethical (or legal) manner unless the surrounding landowners were on board.
SCN states "Just difficult to do in an ethical (OR LEGAL) manner", doesn't the "OR LEGAL" part of that mean you are saying it could be illegal? Like I said, if he shoots the deer on his own land, how can it not be legal? What is the difference in owning a large piece of land and killing a deer that ends up dying on a neighboring property or owning a small piece of land and killing a deer that ends up dying on a neighboring property? If you need to have all the "surrounding landowners on board" as SCN says on a small piece of property, wouldn't the same be true for a large piece of property? I agree if may be tougher to insure a deer dies on your land if it is a smaller piece of property, but other than that there is no difference. If I owned the land and wanted to hunt it, I would.
two words... Air Rifle. Invest in a .44, .45, .454, or .50 air rifle and it is legal to have it silenced from the factory as it is not considered a rifle (double check that last part). Also, being it isn't a firearm, I think you wouldn't have to worry about someone whining about discharging a firearm inside city limits. I think they generally knock deer down on the spot, but you still may have an issue with them running over to the neighbors, so I would still ask them, but it would limit that from happening IMO.
Air rifle is for sure not an instant knockdown. I have killed several. From point blank range to 110 yards. A couple dropped in their tracks, the majority run from 50 to 100 yards, even shot through the lungs or heart.
Air rifle is for sure not an instant knockdown. I have killed several. From point blank range to 110 yards. A couple dropped in their tracks, the majority run from 50 to 100 yards, even shot through the lungs or heart.
Well maybe still a no then... I have seen videos and it seems that in everyone the deer were down within 20-30 yds. Maybe just what I am watching. I'd still say better option than a bow.
Well maybe still a no then... I have seen videos and it seems that in everyone the deer were down within 20-30 yds. Maybe just what I am watching. I'd still say better option than a bow.
I agree with that, I have killed several deer with mine andthey are accurate, 1" guns to 100 yards, but basically they are shooting a "buffalo bullet" that is not moving really fast. For sure not a lot of "energy".
Lived here all my life. Signal is pretty chock full of very liberal tree hugging types. Just depends on what area you are living in. There are quite a few deer on signal but I would definitely get a temp check of my neighbors first just to ensure an amiable future with them. Or you can shoot away and see what happens😁 Good luck either way.