Closing the deal

Some of us also grew up hunting in states where decoys were not legal (Alabama for me) so you had no choice but to learn how to hunt them without. After honing your skills that way you just have no desire to really use one cause you know your way around the woods at that point and know the meaning of a successful hunt.
^ True. I'd argue this generation represents some of the turkey killinest hunters on the planet. And mean, ornery Alabama turkeys too? If they could get it done there and then, they can get done anywhere.
I'm 51 years old, prob been turkey hunting before you were born and forgot more than you know
Happy Simon Cowell GIF by America's Got Talent
^ True. I'd argue this generation represents some of the turkey killinest hunters on the planet. And mean, ornery Alabama turkeys too? If they could get it done there and then, they can get done anywhere.

Haha they are some tuff birds to deal with. I've always said if you can successfully kill birds in central or eastern Alabama you can kill them anywhere lol. Setterman and I sharped those stones not far apart those years (didn't find that out till a few years ago) but hunted a lot of the same woods back in those days.
I cut my teeth hunting ag fields in Alabama. Decoys were illegal, we learned to kill birds without them and it has served me well as I learned to hunt not just shoot

Always love being called a liberal, especially when this isn't political but liberals want things the easy way with no work. Sure sounds similar to decoy fan boys

I wondered when the indians would be brought up, always one of my favorite idiotic examples
Some breeding, yes. Most breeding, no. It's a little like deer. The males get ready before the females. They are currently establishing dominance and strutting to impress hens. But the actual breeding takes place when the hens are ready, which is based on photoperiod and generally coincides with spring green-up. Hens need good vegetation in which to nest.

This is from the last available Summer Poult Survey prepared by TWRA.

View attachment 70463

There are always a few outliers that breed in mid-March, but the great majority of breeding starts around the second week of April. The biggest spike in nest initiation is actually in May. I'm pretty sure it's higher because it includes re-nesting adult hens and initial nests for jennies.

I'm not arguing for delaying things until May. But offering some protections until mid-April is badly needed.
Ok so armed with this new information I'll agree maybe the TWRA should at least consider pushing the date back a bit. I'm still gonna try that strutter decoy one more time though. Thank you for the information. That's the great thing about having these forums and discussions. We all have thoughts and concerns on these matters and the future of hunting it's good to have a place to talk about them.
I cut my teeth hunting ag fields in Alabama. Decoys were illegal, we learned to kill birds without them and it has served me well as I learned to hunt not just shoot

Always love being called a liberal, especially when this isn't political but liberals want things the easy way with no work. Sure sounds similar to decoy fan boys

I wondered when the indians would be brought up, always one of my favorite idiotic
Tell me what makes you always think you know everything and always right and provide all kinds of idiotic examples all the while nullifying anyone else's examples as idiotic?
Tell me what makes you always think you know everything and always right and provide all kinds of idiotic examples all the while nullifying anyone else's examples as idiotic?
Nowhere did I say I'm always right, and no where have I said I know everything.

that is your interpretation of my views, opinions, and stance.

I do think some things are idiotic, because they are in my opinion, view, and stance.
Ok so armed with this new information I'll agree maybe the TWRA should at least consider pushing the date back a bit.

And/Or prohibit decoys for the first part of the season. Thus reducing early harvest and saving lots of dominant turkeys that can't realistically be called away from their harems of hens, but still allowing people to hunt.
I cut my teeth hunting ag fields in Alabama. Decoys were illegal, we learned to kill birds without them and it has served me well as I learned to hunt not just shoot

Always love being called a liberal, especially when this isn't political but liberals want things the easy way with no work. Sure sounds similar to decoy fan boys

I wondered when the indians would be brought up, always one of my favorite idiotic examples

I grew up hunting Alabama, and still hunt Alabama near as much as I do Tennessee. They sure are tough in the mountains of central east Alabama. Just as hard on in the flat black belt ag land and open bottom hardwoods where they can see you a mile away.
And/Or prohibit decoys for the first part of the season. Thus reducing early harvest and saving lots of dominant turkeys that can't realistically be called away from their harems of hens, but still allowing people to hunt.
Maybe so it's worth looking into by the professionals for sure. Maybe if I stop using decoys I'll kill a Turkey. I'm on a losing streak using them.
Anti-decs do Remind me of liberals. Disagree with something then ban it. I'm all for you do you and I'll do me conservatism .
I'm not wanting to ban your way but you do want to ban my way . That's the liberal way.
Why is there always some dumbass making this political and calling someone liberal. Never fails, and it's a clear sign you've lost your ability to factually debate your case.
Btw I'm about as far right as you can get not that it matters one iota in this discussion
I hope everyone on this thread gets to read this comment...I listened to Cuz Strickland's podcast today with a turkey biologist out of MS. The whole podcast was dedicated to results of their turkey hunter survey. Everyone on this thread should give it a listen...although I'm sure some won't agree with the results. Most of it was as I would expect with the exception of 1-2 things. If nothing else though, I hope everyone listens to the success rates of guys who use a decoy vs guys who do not.
Why is there always some dumbass making this political and calling someone liberal. Never fails, and it's a clear sign you've lost your ability to factually debate your case.
Btw I'm about as far right as you can get not that it matters one iota in this discussion
Thanks for the dumass first insult all day.

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