For us, hunting is a "family event." It is myself, my brothers, my BILs, my daughter and one niece. It is just an excuse for us all to get together, have fun, and spend most of our time in camp telling old stories on each other. Greatest event of my year, and I spend all my time all year round managing the property so the whole family can have fun.
Our harvest rules are very simple: no yearling bucks. Other than that, shoot what you want. But because so many people are hunting, we generally limit each hunter to one buck. Although, if someone has already shot a buck, but has a chance at the buck of a lifetime, fire away. No one will begrudge the hunter that. Because of these rules, we've killed a snot-load of 2 1/2 year-old 8-pointers, most of which score 80-100. In fact, although we've killed over 100 bucks off the property, to make the "Top 20 All-time" it only takes a score of around 115. Myself and one BIL, both of whom have all season to hunt, are the only ones that hold out for something better. My BIL will take anything 3 1/2, while I'll take anything 3 1/2 that makes the Top 20.
What makes it even better is the multiple additions we've made to our hunting cabin. In now has beds for 20, with pull-out couches for more if we need them. We have a big family, and a bunch of them show up for opening weekend of MZ season. It's about the closest thing to a yearly family reunion we have (although the Death Hike is getting that way!).