The never ending coonhunter problem continues and I would like an official reccomendation on how to handle the situation.
Coon hunters are putting their dogs out on a small parcel of land they have gained permission to hunt. I have no problems with legal hunting of any sort. The problem is the trespassing, dogs running everywhere, and the excuses for the dogs being where they don't belong. Also the late hours which they will run the dogs.
Our LGD gets worked up by the running dogs, flashlights, and trespassers and will bark the entire remainder of the night.(Doing its job keeping dogs and people out of our sheep) Our livestock also get antagonized by the nightime disruption. This will happen 2-5 nights a week, take a break, then back on again several nights in a row.
I have spoken with the neighbors who do NOT allow hunting and they have not given permission, but are reluctant to "waste their time" prosecuting.
Repeated calls to the TWRA poaching hotline have yielded ... Nothing. No call backs. No officers driving by. Nothing.
Is this a Sheriffs office issue only? A TWRA officer issue? How can I get relief from the trespassing, poaching, and all night activity on and around my property?