Corn in 2023?

I know snitches get stitches but ill turn in every piece of sh&t that baits on public all day every day and twice on Tuesdays. turned one in this year and warden busted him. it sucks when you work hard to pattern deer in an area and then a guy starts doing that and changes everything. I abandoned that whole piece of public for the rest of the season after that. hopefully it's back to normal next season.
I do not hunt public land...but you're starting to scare me. šŸ˜‚
This is very true, except, have you bought fertilizer lately for your food plot? šŸ¤£
I work in the fertilizer business and looks like the cost may be down, a little, as of now but who knows what it'll be come next month... or the next.
This is very true, except, have you bought fertilizer lately for your food plot? šŸ¤£
Still cheaper by a lot lol. Have you seen what a 50 pound bag of corn is? It hurts don't get me wrong farming in this craziness is not for the faint of heart. But in the end baiting for us would turn out a whole lot higher even if we buy it in bulk.
Still cheaper by a lot lol. Have you seen what a 50 pound bag of corn is? It hurts don't get me wrong farming in this craziness is not for the faint of heart. But in the end baiting for us would turn out a whole lot higher even if we buy it in bulk.
Yeah I guess it's relative to the size of the food plot compared to the intensity of the baiting. We keep a corn feeder going in the side yard 24/7 so we can enjoy watching all the wildlife but no hunting remotely close to the house for those wandering. Anyway, the last corn I bought was $10.75, so yes it's crazy expensive no doubt! To another ones point, I put a camera on that feeder a couple years ago in November and didn't have one single mature buck visit it one time even during the rut. Yet, the next ridge over probably 350 yds away had a several visits by mature bucks even in daylight on mock scrapes. I suppose if someone just wanted to kill any size buck, then a pile of bait is probably effective.
I have never used corn for baiting to hunt or even for camera bait stations.

How well does it actually work at killing big bucks?

I never got bucks big or small over corn feeders, only does on camera. I used to put them out after the season for winter.

After turkey season I put out cattle mineral and got all sizes of bucks on camera up until about mid September. Then nothing but does.
I have never used corn for baiting to hunt or even for camera bait stations.

How well does it actually work at killing big bucks?
I suspect not very well. Sure, there are some rare occasions. We put corn out on our Ky lease this year. We never hunt over it and only put it out a couple times. Primarily for photo ops. I killed a big nine this year. Buddy passed on a couple decent bucks. No bait was out. I do, however, believe if you put some out right now you may have a decent chance of seeing a mature buck simply because there isn't much to eat.
I wonder how many states that allow baiting will join the Banning of baiting and mineral licks ??

Zero as far as the rules are concerned. It's clearly illegal to hunt over bait in TN and IMHO also not fair chase. But, there will be many who disagree. I think it changes the dynamics of trying to predict the goings and comings of mature bucks and I prefer to try to understand them in their natural environment.
How is a lush food plot a natural environment ? Not trying to start an argument but food plots are on most leases now and really effective but not natural. If the data says these corn piles or feeders are killing our deer plus our turkeys why are more and more states bordering us allowing it.
How is a lush food plot a natural environment ? Not trying to start an argument but food plots are on most leases now and really effective but not natural. If the data says these corn piles or feeders are killing our deer plus our turkeys why are more and more states bordering us allowing it.
I wish the deer would get the memo about how effective food plots are at killing deer.
10pt. I killed on opening morning this year had corn and acorns in him. I don't bait, but I know where he came from and apparently they do.
I do have a feeder but it's not filled till the season is over. People don't realize they could be doing more harm than good with a feeder. If they are feeding during the season , then quit afterwards the deer will definitely be hurting having to look for new food sources.
I was trying to say baiting IMO is not much different from a food plot . I don't bait either but I do feed them to help supplement food sources and get used to coming to a certain area .
if you fed them corn year-round, that would be detrimental. In my opinion.
until that wall hanger wanted some doe meat that was eating dat korn
I killed one but it was on another farm they had just picked up and they didn't have any bait out yet. I asked to go somewhere else on the last evening because I was tired of sitting there staring at 200 lbs of corn, just not my thing.
I killed one but it was on another farm they had just picked up and they didn't have any bait out yet. I asked to go somewhere else on the last evening because I was tired of sitting there staring at 200 lbs of corn, just not my thing.
I did the same thing one year in Cadiz, Ky. But it was a feeder. Got tired of listening to it go off. No deer, daylight to dark.
How is a lush food plot a natural environment ? Not trying to start an argument but food plots are on most leases now and really effective but not natural. If the data says these corn piles or feeders are killing our deer plus our turkeys why are more and more states bordering us allowing it.

The difference is aflatoxin on the corn. It comes from mold. Corn gets tested for it before it can be used for humans or livestock, and if it fails it becomes deer corn. Food plots are green growing alive. I'm not really sure why some states allow it. Seems to contradict the recommendations of biologists.