
Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2006
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Ok guys help me out with something. I watch all these show about guys catching crappie in "creeks". I'm relatively new to crappie fishing but have waded creeks my whole life. In that time I have caught maybe 3 crappie. The creeks i fish are 30 miles from any lake and meander through the farmland and woods. So are the "creeks" they referencing connected directly to lakes and the crappie leave the lakes for awhile? Very confused on this topic
maybe. on ky lake you can catch crappie in the trib creeks 7-10 miles from the main lake. some of these spots are no wider than 10 feet. and then again some folks like me call small rivers creeks.
I caught ONE out of the probably 1000 times I've waded creeks. It was in Sulfer Fork Creek in the middle of Springfield. I just assumed someone caught it in a lake and tossed it in the creek on the way home.
I caught ONE out of the probably 1000 times I've waded creeks. It was in Sulfer Fork Creek in the middle of Springfield. I just assumed someone caught it in a lake and tossed it in the creek on the way home.
I assumed the ones i caught washed out of flooded ponds. Now every other youtube crappie diva fills the cooler with creek crappie. I dont understand.
Unless I have been wrong for a long time, the creeks flow into the river/lake, and are similar to coves, to over simplify. The dam backs up the river to form a lake and as a result the "creek" tributaries back up as well. Does this make sense? Look at a lake map and see the creeks that flow into the river/lake.
"up in the creeks" Most of the fishermen I talk with mean the back ends of coves on the main lake. OR where a feeder creek meets those types of coves and goes up until you can't run your bass boat anymore. My sample might be biased as most of the guys I talked to are fishing lakes from bass boats and go "up in the creeks" in those boats from the lake.

I did meet a guy a couple years ago who loves fishing "creeks" from the road. He mentioned small mouth and sunfish being his primary targets. Never said anything about crappie.
"up in the creeks" Most of the fishermen I talk with mean the back ends of coves on the main lake. OR where a feeder creek meets those types of coves...
The feeder creeks entering coves are what I think of when I hear "creek" and "crappie fishing" together. Just where I fish, but that's what it means.

On our place in West TN, the Beech River that branches off the River/KY Lake feeds waaaaay back and feeds the wetland area I duck hunt on. Every spring I can catch shellcracker, bluegill, bass, and crappie in the flooded timber. So they'll travel a ways, too.
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Creek fishing for crappie to need to be in the red area in early spring during the spawn. You will catch big crappie in as little as 1 foot of water. I fished both of these creeks plus several more on Sardis Lake over the years.

yep pretty much what trapper john and i was talking about:

a creek:


the same creek 6 miles away in the spring:


if the OP is talking about those youtube vudeos with richard gene, 903 fishing, etc its the same scenario.
yes 903, kidcrappie, gene and several others
903 fishes lake of the pines and the setup would be similar to what buckwild posted. richard gene fishes the alabama section of the Tn and its like what trapper and i fish up here on Ky lake. one of richard genes videos you can see the horizon of the river and how far down the creek from it he is.

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