Crimson Tide R.I.P.

Very pleased and Happy with the DeBoer Hire and I do appreciate you spelled his name correctly :)

Unlike the miserable dumpster fire the vols went through during its coaching search debacle ALABAMA spend less than 50 hours and found DeBoer. Greg-Byrne certainly has a clearer picture of how to get things done thats for sure.
You honestly believe that saban didn't tell Alabama months ago that he was retiring? Bet he just called them up one day and said hey guys I'm out, good luck with your program. You truly are blind to common sense.
But that's also why I said I felt like his assistants were "left overs". His OC came with him and I hated Rees. So I will stand behind that one. The rest, I couldn't tell you much about.
Byrne has been prepping for this for years. He has vetted the "hottest coach" each year for a while now. Most aren't hot anymore. I'm not gonna say saban blindsided him. I'm sure they had a plan and pretty impressive to put it together so quickly. Rumor is that Deboer has had a extension at Washington for a couple of months that he wouldn't sign. Maybe they've been in contact since then🤷🏼‍♂️
The other thing we KNOW is if Tennessee had hired this clown you would have started 8 threads saying what a joke it was, but since it's alabama it's the greatest coaching hire since the Patriots hired Bill Belichick.
For the record, hindsight is 20/20….. belechick was not a great hire!!! Drafting Tom Brady was the key to that dynasty😂 bill flopped with a qb that saban won with
For the record, hindsight is 20/20….. belechick was not a great hire!!! Drafting Tom Brady was the key to that dynasty😂 bill flopped with a qb that saban won with
I saw a comparison the other day of Belichick with Brady vs. Belichick without Brady. Let's just say there is a stark contrast. 😅
I'm happy with Coach Deboer. Time will tell how good he is. I listen to several interviews and read some about him. So far I like him but time will tell.
I don't think Lane Kiffin was considered at Alabama but I think he's a great coach and has done a great job at Ole Miss. I really think he would have fit in great at Tuscaloosa and I think he would win Championships for Bama.
He's who I wanted for the coaching job.
Since he didn't go to Bama I hope he stays at Ole Miss.
Deboer might be a better hire or he might be worse. I haven't done the research that Spurhunter has on him but he seems to be a good guy. Most Bama fans I talk to support him and are happy with the hire.
Maybe I'm just an optimist but I don't see a dumpster fire.
I think you nailed it.

If I had my wishes, Bama would never win another football (or basketball) game, period.

But, it is really hard to see a dumpster fire here. Yes, Bama has lost some quality players to the portal. But, when you are stacked with 4-5* two or three deep at every position, it likely isn't that big of a deal. Yes, they suddenly won't have the overwhelming depth they have had for many years with Nick. But, they will have more than enough quality players across the board to be in the NC picture every year unless their recruiting totally goes off a cliff.

I think our Vol fans that are already buying their cigars for October may be in for a rude awakening. It will be another rock fight.
think our Vol fans that are already buying their cigars for October may be in for a rude awakening. It will be another rock fight.
A lot of things can happen between now and then but I think you're right it will be a tough game. I think that Tennessee QB is going to be really good.
I think you nailed it.

If I had my wishes, Bama would never win another football (or basketball) game, period.

But, it is really hard to see a dumpster fire here. Yes, Bama has lost some quality players to the portal. But, when you are stacked with 4-5* two or three deep at every position, it likely isn't that big of a deal. Yes, they suddenly won't have the overwhelming depth they have had for many years with Nick. But, they will have more than enough quality players across the board to be in the NC picture every year unless their recruiting totally goes off a cliff.

I think our Vol fans that are already buying their cigars for October may be in for a rude awakening. It will be another rock fight.
Totally agree. They have been so loaded with talent for so long it will be hard to see much of a drop off even with some of the players leaving . I hope bammer never wins another sporting event but Deboer has won everywhere he's been with less talent. He wasn't their first choice but he's a winner, time will tell how he does with the gumps.
Any different than prodding a small % of wealthy boosters for it?? This yugo has to get fixed.