CWD article


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 28, 2021
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I read that a few days ago, it's a real thing that will forever change deer hunting for trophy hunters. Those rare huge bucks will become even rarer imo. not sure how long that will take but I don't ever see a way to stop it because it's so spread out now.
It seemed the twra put all their eggs in 2 baskets long ago in the 60's and 70's with deer and turkeys. Guess I can't blame them but now looking forward they better accept the fact that their cash cow of deer are going away and the turkey situation isn't much better with turkey populations crashing with no reason why. If I was them, I'd put the focus on small game on all wmas, doing the timbering necessary and getting the native grasses back. Or..they can forget the wildlife in tWra and manage ohv parks, boating and greenway bike trails on the former wmas.
The first time it's proven that cwd jumped species and a person that ate infected venison got it , deer hunting will be done.
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A few questions about the article:

Article says the disease has been in Wyoming & Colorado since at least 1981. Are there any Deer, elk, or moose left there? It's been over 40 years.

Has the disease ravaged the area's livestock population? Or is the disease unable to infect species closely related to cervids?

Has the disease ravaged the predators or scavengers that feed on infected carcasses?

If we kill every deer, elk, or moose in the United Sates would that eliminate CWD? Is elimination the goal?

Would government agencies like the CDC or HHS that have dispersed info about the disease be more likely to be considered pro hunting or anti hunting? Pro 2nd Amendment or anti- 2nd Amendment?

This is a disease that has never infected a human and can only be diagnosed after death?

Hard to believe anyone who lived through the Covid farce is taking this seriously.
I take all of it with a grain of salt at the moment. Not rehashing the baiting bs but if it were that serious. There would be a state wide ban on bait trophy rock all of that. And I would think probably mandatory testing of deer throughout the state.

Maybe it's as serious as they say, and if so it doesn't matter. There doesn't seem to be anything at all that can be done killing out the herd isn't the answer either.

I would think At some point some type of immunity similar to ehd would have to take place?

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