Tick PSA


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Brentwood, TN US
Just a gentle reminder that it is time to get your turkey clothes treated with a permanone solution. The only water based permithrin solutions that I could find without added scent was the Sawyer's brand and InsectGuard: https://www.amazon.com/averPak-Sing...85919&sprefix=insect+guard,aps,98&sr=8-3&th=1

If you buy a gallon of the InsectGuard the cost is $48 at $.37/oz. A 32 oz bottle is $22 at $.69/oz. I used a cheap Home Depot pump sprayer to apply and it made it a lot simpler than the hand pump deal. There was very little scent for the InsectGuard. The scent from the petroleum based Martin's product I used last year was still pretty strong a year later. That is no big deal on turkey clothes, but, I wouldn't want it on items I intended to deer hunt in.

I had to time my spraying in between gusts of wind today, but, overall it wasn't too bad. The long range forecast for my area didn't show a better day when I was off before the season to get it done.

Just remember, if you enjoy eating red meat, you don't want to play Russian Roulette with tick bites. That Alpha Gal syndrome would suck.
I bought Gordon's one year and mixed my own. It had a strong smell and wasn't effective at all. I didn't get bit, but I watched ticks crawl all over my clothes. I immediately went back to Sawyer's. I have not tried Martin's, but I've heard good reviews. Sawyer's has worked flawlessly for me for years, so I just stick with that. More expensive than mixing your own, but after the experience I had with Gordon's the piece of mind is worth it to me. YMMY.
Sprayed mine over the weekend
I use permethrin 10 from TSC mix mine kinda heavy, last all season long and the smell doesn't bother me much. Sprayed pants, shirt, boots, leafy jacket and vest I'll be good all season I don't normally wash my hunting clothes all season lol
I can't recall what bacon tastes like or a hamburger. Spray your damn clothes, trust me
Didn't get alpha gal but did have Lyme disease ended up having it for years undetected. Was on so many antibiotics and for months to. Not to mention it did a number on my joints. Weird thing is it comes and go's. Doctor said since I had it so long. That the effects would last a life time. But I can say after treatment I do feel way better than before. Doc said lots of cases he see's go's undetected for many years as doctors don't think to check for it. And symptoms mimic lots of other sickness's and diseases.
As an add on, remember that unless seats, packs, etc stay outside of the cab of your vehicle, they need to be sprayed as well. Otherwise you will have some unwanted hitchhikers that can and will get on you when you aren't wearing your treated clothing.
Great advice and I spray everything. This is not an item to get cost conscious on unless you eating chicken for every meal lol 😂
Be sure to spray EVERYTHING fabric you come in contact while hunting, including the headrests of your truck seats. Very easy for a tick to hitch-hike on untreated items you carry, into your vehicle, then they crawl their way to you while you're driving.

Don't overlook the inside of your hats/caps, inside of shirt sleeves, under your shirt collars, etc. One of the main points of egress a tick gets to you is via your neck. Sometimes you brush against a low hanging limb, or weed, and the sucker simply lands on your neck or close enough to get there before your permethrin treated clothing kill it.

I really super-soak shirt collars, shirt sleeves (inside & out), along with the inside of pants, gloves, head/face covers, you name it. Just be sure it's totally dry before you let it touch your skin by treating these items at least a day before used.

Don't let a tick make you sick.
I use the Sawyers pre-mix. However, one thing I've noticed is that when I wear clothing with (dried) Sawyer's on it, I have a splotchy rash all over me at the end of the day.