Originally found in captive mule deer in Colorado in the late 60's and later in wild deer in1981. Like Covid I don't see it as the boogie man it's made out to be. In all that time there have been no recorded cases of it jumping the species barrier. If you're looking for stuff to worry about get yourself a copy of the southeastern wildlife disease manual and learn about the many diseases prevalent in our wildlife that we don't worry about. Until it jumps the species barrier which most diseases don't I personally wouldn't freak. Just don't handle brains and spinal fluids lymph nodes etc.
Because it is a Prion it takes extremely High temperatures to kill. 140* works for bacteria not Prions.
From what I read 1600 degrees or something like that in an incinerator is about the only way to destroy the prions.

Shame about your deer gasman. I left a sandwich bag with the nodes from my first deer this season in my garage last week. Came back the next morning to take and drop them off and they were gone. Mice was about all I could figure. I am just gonna test my second deer, which was older, and won't eat any of either until I get those results.
I totally agree 100%! I think it is more of a scare tactic to discourage people from hunting. Call me crazy but I don't think it's much different than EHD. They both kill deer. Prions are not totally understood. Probably created in a lab like the China virus! If you believed everything the CDC has said about c19, then you probably believe this one too.

CDC holds patent on SARS - COVID- 19. Can't patent anything that's naturally occurring


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From what I read 1600 degrees or something like that in an incinerator is about the only way to destroy the prions.

Shame about your deer gasman. I left a sandwich bag with the nodes from my first deer this season in my garage last week. Came back the next morning to take and drop them off and they were gone. Mice was about all I could figure. I am just gonna test my second deer, which was older, and won't eat any of either until I get those results.
You might have accidentally allowed CWD to get into the mouse population. No telling where it goes next. Maybe humans. I'm kidding but seriously this is how these diseases move around from species to species. Maybe it doesn't ever jump from deer to humans but it could take a more circuitous route. Let's hope not!
As far as the deer herd goes, TWRA is much more dangerous than cwd. They need to learn from other states research and moneys spent.
I couldn't agree even more! TWRA is reckless with the way they're handling CWD in these low density counties.

One day hunters will wake up to see killing all of these does is shooting themselves in the foot.
Duck season is the same time as deer season, I'll just become a more serious duck hunter. I will not risk eating the meat. That's just me
Been eating mule deer and elk from CO for over 10 years in the reddest of the red hot zones out there. No one mentions it and I haven't had any side effects. Testing out there is non-existent. The government screws up more things in life than any meth head thought he could. I'm hesitant, but not scared
Contrary to what they tell us, government is the cause of our problems, not the answer to them.
People are gonna eat part of his deer any way

There is no way the processors clean equipment after every deer
I use a processor down here in Edwin,Al that has the on demand hot water thing . He has the temp set at 140 . He washes every knife,saw,floor,walland gambrel down after every single deer is strung up and cleaned prior to being put on the hook and slid into the cooler. I know its not enough to kill the cwd , but we are far far away from that stuff. You can literally eat off his equipment after each deer. His processing room looks like an operating room , only one deer at a time enters and exits !!!! This guy does it right and his products are awesome ,
Thats all 🇺🇸
Oh yeah FJB 🤬