
Here are the maps on TWRAs website. The positive locations map looks like it has all deer reported through mid October 2022
I ate the the one I killed last year without testing. I plan on doing the same this year If and when I kill one. I process myself. I am in Weakley Co and it is around. I have too many other things to worry about without this being one of them. As said, odds are in the billions.
Be careful you might get lead poisoned. 😂
My question is how in the heck would the processor be able to keep their equipment clean while processing 100s of deer (some with CWD and some without it)? That's also assuming you get back exactly the deer you killed and nothing got mixed. I process all mine myself and im sure as heck not heating up all my quipment to 1400 degrees to clean it between each deer while I wait for the test. I think ill just keep eating em. Its one of my greatest pleasures in life.
This is why I started processing my own. That, and I enjoy it more.
Back when I used processors, I was reasonably sure I got my deer back if it was an archery kill, before they got a lot of deer in. From muzzleloader on, I believe they do a "community grind" and you get your portion back in ground venison and you might actually get your steaks and other cuts.

JMO, but I'm glad I process my own now. It's changed how I have to hunt now and added way more work, but I know I have my deer and how it was handled.
I can't speak for everyone, but I know Three-way did not do this. I've watched them process deer hanging out with a guy I know that worked there. While they had multiple deer going at a time, they kept everything segregated.
A TWRA biologist told me that buzzard and coyote poop are for sure spreading CWD. I asked him about hawks and eagles (I have seen both on gut piles and dead animals many times), he said NOPE, CWD does not work that way, hawk and eagle poop don't spread CWD. This was at one of the TWRA meetings a few years ago. I completely disagree, if buzzard and coyote poop spread CWD then hawks and eagles do also. No way the spread of CWD will be stopped if animal poop, especially the animals that feed on dead infected deer, spread the disease through their poop. It is just a matter of time.
A TWRA biologist told me that buzzard and coyote poop are for sure spreading CWD. I asked him about hawks and eagles (I have seen both on gut piles and dead animals many times), he said NOPE, CWD does not work that way, hawk and eagle poop don't spread CWD. This was at one of the TWRA meetings a few years ago. I completely disagree, if buzzard and coyote poop spread CWD then hawks and eagles do also. No way the spread of CWD will be stopped if animal poop, especially the animals that feed on dead infected deer, spread the disease through their poop. It is just a matter of time.
Your right, nothing can stop it. It's even gotten to the point that not much can slow it down either. Nature will have to find its own cure.
It's possible Chlorine Dioxide will stop it, but it would need to be added to water and that's tough to do in a constantly moving creek. However, if you provide water at your food plots then it could be added there. It's the same stuff used to clean city water (activated liquid form), farm animal water (activated liquid form), hospital surgery units (activated gas form), remove smells from houses/cars (activated gas form), and carried by backpackers/hunters to clean their water (tablet form).

(NO, IT's NOT Clorox bleach!!! Just really cheap so the pharmaceutical companies can't make any money off of it so they bad mouth it. Welcome to the world where we can only treat a symptom and not cure an illness because doctors aren't allowed to talk about anything other than man-made drugs.)
It's possible Chlorine Dioxide will stop it, but it would need to be added to water and that's tough to do in a constantly moving creek. However, if you provide water at your food plots then it could be added there. It's the same stuff used to clean city water (activated liquid form), farm animal water (activated liquid form), hospital surgery units (activated gas form), remove smells from houses/cars (activated gas form), and carried by backpackers/hunters to clean their water (tablet form).

(NO, IT's NOT Clorox bleach!!! Just really cheap so the pharmaceutical companies can't make any money off of it so they bad mouth it. Welcome to the world where we can only treat a symptom and not cure an illness because doctors aren't allowed to talk about anything other than man-made drugs.)
I'm not doubting you but this is interesting and will have to look into it more. It may not work in creeks but if it actually works and kills the prions then something needs to be implemented. I wonder if they use this kind of stuff on deer farms or high fence operations.
I'm not doubting you but this is interesting and will have to look into it more. It may not work in creeks but if it actually works and kills the prions then something needs to be implemented. I wonder if they use this kind of stuff on deer farms or high fence operations.
It's used to kill Lyme disease in humans and missionaries have used it for decades to stop malaria in just 2-4 hours.
It's possible Chlorine Dioxide will stop it, but it would need to be added to water and that's tough to do in a constantly moving creek. However, if you provide water at your food plots then it could be added there. It's the same stuff used to clean city water (activated liquid form), farm animal water (activated liquid form), hospital surgery units (activated gas form), remove smells from houses/cars (activated gas form), and carried by backpackers/hunters to clean their water (tablet form).

(NO, IT's NOT Clorox bleach!!! Just really cheap so the pharmaceutical companies can't make any money off of it so they bad mouth it. Welcome to the world where we can only treat a symptom and not cure an illness because doctors aren't allowed to talk about anything other than man-made drugs.)
You may be onto something. Seems it will denature proteins very quickly, maybe a solution to be able to clean our knives and processing equipment with it, but doubt it can have an effect on living organisms already contaminated with CWD.
You may be onto something. Seems it will denature proteins very quickly, maybe a solution to be able to clean our knives and processing equipment with it, but doubt it can have an effect on living organisms already contaminated with CWD.
Sadly, we'll probably never know unless we have live deer with cwd to test it on, but if it's able to kill off deep burrowed Lyme when nothing else can then it's worth a try. Just need to find someone willing to test it.
It's possible Chlorine Dioxide will stop it, but it would need to be added to water and that's tough to do in a constantly moving creek. However, if you provide water at your food plots then it could be added there. It's the same stuff used to clean city water (activated liquid form), farm animal water (activated liquid form), hospital surgery units (activated gas form), remove smells from houses/cars (activated gas form), and carried by backpackers/hunters to clean their water (tablet form).

(NO, IT's NOT Clorox bleach!!! Just really cheap so the pharmaceutical companies can't make any money off of it so they bad mouth it. Welcome to the world where we can only treat a symptom and not cure an illness because doctors aren't allowed to talk about anything other than man-made drugs.)
So if you're one who soaks your meat in ice water, adding the chlorine dioxide tablets could possibly stop it? Asking for a friend and not trying to start a venison aging debate.
So if you're one who soaks your meat in ice water, adding the chlorine dioxide tablets could possibly stop it? Asking for a friend and not trying to start a venison aging debate
That's an interesting question that I don't know the answer to, but I'm guessing no because the cd tablets and water might not be able to penetrate the meat. It would make more sense that spreading the cd in air or water is much easier than a meat. Mostly, for a human or animal I would guess it would be best ingested for something like cwd and lyme disease. They do use this in water for chicken and pigs and other animals to stop a disease and/or to prevent a disease from starting. Lots of documentation for this usage online.

We use it for our chickens and have used it after one of us was bitten by a poisonous snake...the poison attaches itself to the cd. The urine was a dark rusty orange color. Three day recovery, no side affects from the cd.

The only side affects known are if you take too much and haven't allowed the body to work up to the dosage. Then people typically throw up, naseau, diareaha, but no death or long term damage. But, missionaries who use this for people who have started bleeding in the eyes from malaria give 15 drops all at once even though the person throws up later because the person would die rather quickly if they didn't do 15 drops immediately to get enough into their body to work for the situation. The malaria is dead 2-4 hours later when they do a blood test...gone, no longer showing up in the blood test. Full recovery.

Bolivia approved and used it as a beerVirus killer after the politicians were caught using it. Worked well for the situation.

However, it takes quite a long time of treatment for lyme. The reason I'd like to see it tested on deer is because of all the people killing Lyme disease with cd. The same ticks get on deer that get on us. I'm not suggesting cwd is in any way connected to ticks, just that I think there's a large chance it would stop cwd and/or stop it from being able to be spread.

Maybe someone on knows a researcher in the deer world that this could be suggested to?
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Because it is a Prion it takes extremely High temperatures to kill. 140* works for bacteria not Prions.
A biologist told me as far as they know the prion is practically indestructible. Know that where ever you dispose of prion positive meat becomes a new possible contagion point.
A biologist told me as far as they know the prion is practically indestructible. Know that where ever you dispose of prion positive meat becomes a new possible contagion point.
The brief study I did reading some of the scientific papers on it says that there is a possibility that the protein can be unfolded making it unable to attach and replicate. One paper specifically noted prion-based illnesses and said it extended the life of mice directly exposed to it. I feel it holds promise in possibly dealing with this in a captivity/farm scenario where ingestion can be controlled and observed. In the wild, the most we can hope for is to clean up contaminated sites such as saltlick and other communal sites and our processing equipment, I will sure be willing to try it on my gear when I harvest one in Hardin County.
A TWRA biologist told me that buzzard and coyote poop are for sure spreading CWD. I asked him about hawks and eagles (I have seen both on gut piles and dead animals many times), he said NOPE, CWD does not work that way, hawk and eagle poop don't spread CWD. This was at one of the TWRA meetings a few years ago. I completely disagree, if buzzard and coyote poop spread CWD then hawks and eagles do also. No way the spread of CWD will be stopped if animal poop, especially the animals that feed on dead infected deer, spread the disease through their poop. It is just a matter of time.
Sounds like that biologist is full of crap. If a buzzard's feces will spread cwd, than so will a hawk, an eagle, an owl, or a crow.

I believe birds are exactly the reason why there have been broad jumps in areas where the disease has been detected. I remember reading an article probably 10 years ago about a case, best as i remember, in Montana where the closest prior cwd was like 60 miles away. They were suggesting the possibility that a carcass was transported and dumped, but I think birds are much more likely to spread it.

Does anyone have an up to current distribution map for this state?