Deer harvest, what % unreported?

I wonder how many deer are lost, dead and never recovered?
Reckon it would be more or less than non reported?
More than likely these law breakers that dont check their deer in are probably some of the ones who trespass,steal your trail cameras and treestands!There are criminals in every walk of life and seems to be getting worse each year!

That's right. You're either honest or you're not. It's all in a man's character. If he cheats here then he cheats there. The only one that would say he doesn't is himself. Everybody else sees right though the BS.
Well if it it helps, I double checked in a buck I took on LBL this year by accident, called Twra multiple times said they would fix and never did, I guess two bucks checked in on the same day doesn't even throw a red flag in the system 🙄🙄
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We only hunt on our own property. Every deer we kill is recorded. I see absolutely nothing to gain by not reporting. Bag limits are liberal and three deer will generally last us the entire year.
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We only hunt on our own property. Every deer we kill is recorded. I see absolutely nothing to gain by not reporting. Bag limits are liberal and three deer generally last us the entire year.
There are a higher % of people like you and I who don't see poaching as an option however...unfortunately there is a sizable % that do. Typically they don't recognize laws they don't agree with in all facets of their lives. The kind of people that see no property lines other than theirs.... Seasons aren't a thing... Hunt from the road... At night... They aren't hunters but they are out there.
Well if it it helps, I double checked in a buck I took on LBL this year by accident, called Twra multiple times said they would fix and never did, I guess two bucks checked in on the same day doesn't even throw a red flag in the system 🙄🙄
same think happened to my buddy. twra didnt do anything
So I grew up in East Tennessee in Morgan County and I can tell you first hand there is a lot that go unchecked over there.

Me personally there is no way I would risk fines, court costs, loss of hunting privileges for any animal, unless me and my wife couldn't afford food.