Deer Hunting is Actually Fun

I'll kill whatever makes my blood pump. Whatever gets me get excited. After the shot is when the work starts. That is what stops me from shooting lots of smaller bucks other than that do what you want to with your time in the woods. I'm happy for you either way.
It's all what makes you happy. I've been a trophy hunter since about the time I was 14 to 15. I fell in love with the process, and the ultimate reward when it comes together. I still love it to this day. But I also love just hunting its my get away and how I relax and regroup. So it all fits. When I quit getting excited about the work when it's hot, the cold fronts November, the trail camera pictures and when I lose that buck fever after the shot and the other million other things I'll hang it up. Thankfully for you it seems you rekindled that flame. That's the best thing I took from your post. Congratulations on a great year.
Congrats on a great year. I'm in the same situation though. Cept I usually don't regret shooting the little ones. I don't kill just to be killing, I have a plan for every deer I shoot. That helps ease the pain of shooters remorse.

As far as the Big 7 goes…. He will be on the back of my Rancher come Friday. I may need you to come help load him. If so, I'll give you a call.
One year I had a really good ten point on camera and I hunted that deer all year . Worse deer hunting year of my life . Took down the cameras never used them before but everyone else is so I did . I've always tried to shoot bucks with larger headgear no matter the age but would shoot a decent one too . With that said I had better places to hunt than I do now so the hunter instinct comes out in me . I still don't shoot spikes and the seven point I killed couple years ago I wished I hadn't shot him I usually let them go on my property but it wad too late to cry about it . This year killed a big bodied seven point and a small eight that hindsight wished I'd let him walk another year he was a nine if he hadn't broke a brow tine . But it's like this I'm never ashamed to kill what I've killed and give thanks for each and every one plus I'm getting older knowing my hunting career is dwindling down. So I'm going to shoot what I want to shoot and give thanks for it. Never be ashamed of what you've killed guys and anyone who tries to shame someone for it shouldn't or IMO he's not a hunter !
Congrats on a great year. I'm in the same situation though. Cept I usually don't regret shooting the little ones. I don't kill just to be killing, I have a plan for every deer I shoot. That helps ease the pain of shooters remorse.

As far as the Big 7 goes…. He will be on the back of my Rancher come Friday. I may need you to come help load him. If so, I'll give you a call.
You know if you need help I'll come a running, but as far as you killing MY big 7........

I was that way for sure, last 2 years with my bow I have slipped up and shot button bucks. And was mad at mysef! This year I got drawn for the NWR hunt in Brownsville. A few buddies and I were drawn together. My kids were sick so I got to hunt the first morning. This beast walked through and got the hurt put on him. It was one of the most fun hunts I can remember! It was also pretty tasty when I cooked the back straps up last week!
Congrats, I tried to be a trophy hunter for 5 years straight, passed everything up waiting on the monster, no doe no bucks , tag soup is very bland, woke up 1 morning and said I either start shooting what deer was offered or quit and do something else. dropped all the magazine subscriptions quit watching deer hunting shows ect, started shooting the first legal deer that came past me no matter if buck or a doe, been very happy ever since. I always try to get a better buck than the first 1 but some years are better than others. I may not deer hunt many more years but I wont ever try to be a trophy hunter again, I may get a chance at 1 but these days it more about the trip than the kill. Small game hunting is looking better the closer we get to the end of deer season, my little beagle might get some training soon.
The lease I'm on in middle Tennessee has antler restrictions and I'm bound by that if I get to hunt the place , I have absolutely have no problem adhering to those restrictions. Did that on my property for years but the adjoining properties don't and I only have around 10 acres so you don't know if the buck you passed will make it to maturity. Land that joins me allows a couple others hunt his property besides me and he wants them all killed so around here its hard for a buck to reach maturity. Those that have enough property to trophy hunt good for you because there's no greater joy on killing a big ole buck IMO .If your pretty sure a buck will make it year after year that's a good thing and its easier to do so knowing this . Those that do this on public kudos to you because you certainly don't know if he'll make it the next year. My hats are off to those that only shoot mature bucks but also to those that shot that small buck because that all he has seen .
For years I've just been a trophy hunter. I rarely fire a shot and was getting really bored with deer hunting. I just wasn't having any fun. This season rolled around and I started hunting as usual.

November 18th I had a buck in a thicket, had to make a quick decision and made a mistake. I killed a 6 point. Even though I was mad at myself for making a mistake and killing a small buck, I had to admit that it was fun actually shooting my gun and killing something.
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December 1st I was at my other club which is a "brown and down" club. Hunting with these guys is like hunting in the late 80's. Doesn't matter what you kill, everybody is happy for you and any kill is celebrated. After watching 2 small bucks earlier a young 8 point comes out. It's a buck I wouldn't normally kill, but what the heck. I kill him. Again, I kinda wish I wouldn't have shot him, but have to admit it was fun!
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December 8th I'm back at my main club. We have a very mature 7 point I have been wanting to kill for a couple years. He's a brute and he's apparently breeding all the does. We have several young 7 points running around with racks just like his but smaller. 7 minutes before the end of legal shooting time a buck steps into an opening. I thought it was "the Big 7" so I killed him. I get to him and it's not him, but one of his offspring. I'm slightly disappointed that it's not the big 7, but happy with him, and it was fun!
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Now I am questioning everything I've know for years. Maybe I'm not a trophy hunter. Maybe I'm a brown and downer. All I know is for the first time in years I've actually had fun and instead of pondering quitting deer hunting, I can't wait to get back in the woods. I know my goal will always be a trophy bucks worthy of a shoulder mount, and I'll probably never shoot another 6 point or small 8 point, but my perspective has changed. Good luck the rest of the season, and remember, deer hunting is supposed to be fun!
the angles have sung and another deer hunter steps into the light 🙏
You my friend just became a deer hunter
Every dam deer is a trophy
I agree. Do what makes u happy. Honestly I just don't get excited shooting small deer. But that's just me. I've had a great season. Screwed up the one I was after. He was directly behind me on a windy day and saw me turn my head. I'm ok with it. I want to hunt the biggest and the oldest so that's what I do. When I do kill one it's awesome. And I have no problem with people shooting small ones if that's what you llke.
In 2004 I killed a 144" 10 pt, then spent the next decade or so looking for something bigger — never finding one but shooting a buck every 4 years or so and a few does along the way.

But the last 5 years I've decided to enjoy the hunt. I try to target 3.5 yr bucks or older, but when a nice 2.5 yr has presented itself in a fun hunt — chasing does or responding to the grunt call — sometimes they've just tempted me too much. It is fun to make a clean kill on a nice looking buck that in some way challenges you. I think I killed 2 2.5 yr deer and a 3.5 last year. So far this year a 3.5 and one that is 4.5+.

Always good to enjoy the hunt and put away some memories.
I killed my first buck in 5 years this year and he was just a 4 point. First buck I have killed on my own land and first deer I have shot with a centerfire rifle since 2019. It was with my first deer rifle my dad bought me in 1976. It was a lot of fun. I didnt get to hunt last year. Cancer is a sob. I have a bunch of nice shoulder mounts and have decided I will never do another. I have discussed for years on this site and with my friends to just go hunt and just have fun. Dont kill too many and if a deer excites you and you have a fun hunt, don't apologize for what you kill. This is one of the better threads I have read in a while. Thanks Spurhunter for posting.
Remember this. If hunting ain't fun you're doing something wrong. I posted this in a thread someone asked what advice you would give new hunters. I think it's good advice for any hunter.
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