Deer Hunting is Actually Fun

Looking back, most of my best memories are when things were screwy. The time Crappie Luck shot a deer and it ran off a bluff and fell into the river, never to be seen again. The time I missed a Whopper 8 point with a rifle at 50 yards. The time I stalked up and shot a button with my cross bow, That time we half drowned riding 4 wheelers to hunt "after" the rain quit. Drinking coffee before work and running across the field in my PJ's to shoot a deer out in the big field. The time I dropped my boots out of the ladder stand and my socks froze to the rungs climbing down to get them, then stepping off barefoot into the briars to get my boots......
Riding 3 guys, 2 deer and 2 climbers on ONE 4 wheeler 4 miles from the back of a WMA through water most of the way only to find that one of the deer fell off a mile from the truck.

Compared to some of these shenanigans the big bucks I have shot are in the middle of the pack of favorite memories.
I agree. Do what makes u happy. Honestly I just don't get excited shooting small deer. But that's just me. I've had a great season. Screwed up the one I was after. He was directly behind me on a windy day and saw me turn my head. I'm ok with it. I want to hunt the biggest and the oldest so that's what I do. When I do kill one it's awesome. And I have no problem with people shooting small ones if that's what you llke.

Same here. I fail a lot more than I succeed but it's part of the experience and for me makes the success sweeter, more meaningful.

Steve Rinella described fun as two types. First is the immediate fun rush like a funny joke or roller coaster. It's thrilling for a minute but soon forgotten. Then there's the fun that in the moment was tough and even excruciating but you can look back on it for the rest of your life and always smile. Both types are important in balance, IMO.

For me at this stage of life I'm struggling to hunt and kill old, big bucks. I fail pretty often. But when I succeed I have a memory and story that lasts, and most importantly brings a smile years afterward. I've killed lots of does and younger bucks that probably were enjoyable in the moment but the ones I remember with most fondness are the ones I really grinded out for the win. Heck I have fond, vivid memories of bucks I didn't even get. As disappointing as the hunt was and bitter as the failure, I remember them as if it happened yesterday and smile. I've got very few does or young bucks I remember like that.
Congratulations on a great season!!

Its been said many times that everyone hunts for different reasons and if your miserable while hunting then your hunting for the wrong reason. Have l ever got burned out or exhausted pushing myself hunting hard day after bet...but I cant say i was miserable? The reasons I hunt dont require that I kill something. I have nothing to prove to anyone and I absolutely dont care what anyone thinks of what deer I kill...but at the same time I dont apologize for wanting to kill a mature buck...I guess Im at a different place in my journey and I enjoy the habitat work, planting food plots, planting trees and running cameras as much as I do killing a deer...but at the same time killing one of the top bucks your after is extremely rewarding and fulfilling...holding out for a particular mature buck year after year isnt a journey for everyone...but killing the first deer that walks by isnt either...everyone hunts for different reasons...enjoy the process.
I have nothing to prove to anyone and I absolutely dont care what anyone thinks of what deer I kill...but at the same time I dont apologize for wanting to kill a mature buck

holding out for a particular mature buck year after year isnt a journey for everyone...but killing the first deer that walks by isnt either...everyone hunts for different reasons

Bingo. Well stated. We each have our own version of hunting that is tailored specifically to ourselves. What's fun for me might not be fun for you, and likewise. And that's perfectly ok. Judge not lest ye be judged. So long as a fellow hunter is happy with how they're doing it, I'm happy for them. And I expect fair reciprocity.
I used to hunt with a guy that, if he didn't kill a deer the first time each season, he was miserable from that point on. Now, I'm talking about in East TN where the deer per sq mile are low. He would just whine and belly ache all season. I would tell him all the time "enjoy the journey". You have to enjoy the journey.
Steve Rinella described fun as two types. First is the immediate fun rush like a funny joke or roller coaster. It's thrilling for a minute but soon forgotten. Then there's the fun that in the moment was tough and even excruciating but you can look back on it for the rest of your life and always smile. Both types are important in balance, IMO.
That is a GREAT comment Ski. I couldn't agree more. Personally, I use other endeavors for the "tough and even excruciating" fun. I prefer my hunting to be half-way between the two forementioned types of fun. In essence, not instant gratification but not excruciating either. A challenge but not a slog.