Deer season wraps up today...were you happy with your season?

I Hunted 5 times. Couldn't really get into it this year. Killed a doe and an 8 pt on public and got my dad a doe and a sapling that was covering the vitals of a little buck.
Sounds like you had a successful season; especially your dad getting a deer. Congrats!
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I was blessed in many ways this deer season. I was fortunate to get on a new lease with a bunch of great people. I learned a lot about the new lease this season. This was my first deer season after retiring last March, so I was able to spend more time in the woods this year than ever before. Even though the timing of the rut was a very strange this year I was able to let a couple young 8 points walk. I'm thankful that I was able to harvest a nice 8 point with my muzzleloader. Then I was able to take my biggest buck ever with a rifle. It was a nice 10 point in the thick stuff at 15 yards. I also took a nice doe the last week of the season for a friend who has had some health problems. I also learned to make summer sausage this year. It turned out pretty good for the first try. I'm very thankful and blessed.
Congrats to all who had a good season.

Mine was pretty poor. I was hardly able to get out in the woods due to work and family obligations. I saw no deer -- buck nor doe -- that I wanted to kill.

However, the few times I DID manage to get out were beautiful days, so I'm happy and thankful for THAT. :)
Didn't get to hunt as much as I would have liked or normally do. Didn't kill anything - I had plenty of chances, just didn't see anything I wanted to kill. But, I hunted some spots I've never hunted before and saw several deer.
Great season for me although I saw fewer deer this year than I can ever remember but I did kill one of my best bucks ever and a hog which I always wanted to do.


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107 deer sightings of which twelve were bucks. Lower than normal but this was a strange year. Killed a 6 point and a nice 9 point.

Dad killed a spike and a 6 point. He's 86 and still tags out most years.

We have plenty of meat since there is still some left over from last year.

Also killed three hogs. One with my Ithaca Deerslayer 16 gauge, one with a Deerslayer 12 gauge, and one with the trusty ol' Winchester 94 30-30 my parents gave me for Christmas of 1980.

Saw many great sunrises and sunsets, breathed a lot of clean, fresh air, watched nature in all her glory, spent good times with old friends, tasted and seen that the Lord is good!
We had a good season. I didn't put up any cameras this year and it made it more fun for me. I just hunted. The late summer/fall drought made my food plots suffer. I would starve if I had to depend on my farming abilities. My clearcuts helped with sightings though.
Don't see many TN deer with that kind of mass! Congrats, he is something special!
Smallest measurement was little over 4" even the tines are fat. The circumference of the G2 in the middle is bigger than the bases on a lot of deer I've killed! I'm still shocked, I got pics and said to myself I'll never see that buck in the daylight but I've got to try.
Congrats on a great season! Sounds like you have a great plan for the off season with "planting an orchard and more oak trees, thin a couple areas of trees to get light onto the ground"...sound great! Land management can be very rewarding! Good luck turkey hunting this spring!
This season was very lackluster for me. I killed 3 deer--a decent 8 and 2 does. First year in several that I didn't see a mature buck while hunting. I am on a large lease but I also hunt at home. Hunting at home was my biggest frustration. New (trashy, loud) neighbors with 5 dogs ruined my season. I had 3 big, mature bucks that went totally nocturnal thanks to my neighbors and their dogs. In fact all the deer--does, younger bucks and yearlings went nocturnal. Bad neighbors is a curse Ive had at all 3 houses I have owned in 25 years.

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