Deer season wraps up today...were you happy with your season?

This season was very lackluster for me. I killed 3 deer--a decent 8 and 2 does. First year in several that I didn't see a mature buck while hunting. I am on a large lease but I also hunt at home. Hunting at home was my biggest frustration. New (trashy, loud) neighbors with 5 dogs ruined my season. I had 3 big, mature bucks that went totally nocturnal thanks to my neighbors and their dogs. In fact all the deer--does, younger bucks and yearlings went nocturnal. Bad neighbors is a curse Ive had at all 3 houses I have owned in 25 years.
Hard to get much worse than a bad neighbor. Once had one with three pit bulls that would bark nonstop every time I was in my backyard.
Yeah its not easy and have not figured it out!

Encapsulated citric acid and carrots fiber. The acid gives the tang summer sausage is known for, and carrot fiber retains moisture so the sausage isn't dry or crumbly. Those two make a huge difference no matter what recipe you use. Oh and powdered hickory smoke.