How often have you heard bucks grunting and fighting in the woods? 1x a season? Where I hunt its more like 1x every 5-10 seasons or so. So its not that common for bucks to have knock down drag outs like you see on tv and are trying to replicate with your rattle sequence. And the mature buck who wants a fight to the death are fewer yet.
How many rack bucks have you killed that had clean, undamaged racks? I've only killed one and that was because it was very early October. Every other buck I've ever killed that was 2.5yrs+ had one some or all of damaged antlers, scarred face & head, gouged eye, ripped ear, etc. I've butchered several that had fighting bruises under the hide. Last year's buck actually had another buck's antler broken off in his skull & healed over. And every season I see at least a couple different bucks limping from fighting.
Whether we're there in the moment to see it or not, bucks fight a lot and they fight hard. They hurt one another. I run dozens of cameras on a half dozen properties year round. On cam I see a lot of different bucks and see some of them quite regularly. But when I hunt I rarely see them. I'd guess I personally lay eyes on maybe 10% of the bucks I catch on camera, and far fewer than that are within range and offering a shot. If not for the cameras I'd probably assume that there aren't very many bucks around because I never see them. Same thing with buck fights. Just because I'm not seeing a lot of it doesn't mean it's not happening a lot. The evidence overwhelmingly says it's common. We just don't get to witness it.