Done with decoys

The ONLY reason is it doesn't fit the narrative to some on here that are more holier than thou and everyone else is a POS if you don't do it exactly like them. That's the only reason. This isn't directed at the OP either.

See that's my issue. People who use them point fingers and get personal with people who don't condone it, all while the opposite is true as well

You can have people complain about one sides attitude all while having the same attitude toward them.

Not directed specifically at you Rem70 just using this as a way to point it out.

To answer the question above. For me personally I have no issue with the aspect of a decoy itself, more the hunt style and mentality of SOME that use them as their only way of being successful. I believe a man should learn the skills to be a woodsman as a whole, that in turn makes you a better hunter for all species. If you just go out and sit on a food plot each day for deer or in a field over decoys each day for turkeys what are you actually learning that you can pass on to the next generation. I'd rather my son learn about the woods and how species live and think vs just teaching him how to kill an animal. Knowledge is power and a skill that takes years of experience and failure to truly learn and understand

Again not directed at anyone particularly here as I don't know most of you personally and won't assume your knowledge base.
Decoys can help and they can hurt. It's all situational. There was a hunt this year that if I would of had a decoy or two out, the birds would have died. It just depends on where they're at in breeding cycle I believe.

One thing that I think is almost fool proof, fanning. I never tried it until this year. I don't think that I'll ever do it again, but I see why people who can't or won't kill in the traditional way do it.
I haven't used them all year in TN because it's more of a run and gun type spot and I don't like toting them. I did use them when I took my nephew on the juvi hunt in KY a couple weeks ago. Either way I don't care if anyone uses them or not.
Can You carry one dozen decoys while i carry the corn bag next week?😂
Putting on hunting clothes, bringing a gun with you and sticking a decoy in the ground in a field where turkeys go and waiting to see the show is not hunting IMO. Not good for the resource either. It is legal to use them. Camo, guns, turkey loads, calls etc are all helps for sure, but with all of those one still needs woodsman ship skills and hunting skills to kill turkeys. Some folks that don't like the decoys do say some hard things, but there's way more animosity the other way.
See that's my issue. People who use them point fingers and get personal with people who don't condone it, all while the opposite is true as well

You can have people complain about one sides attitude all while having the same attitude toward them.

Not directed specifically at you Rem70 just using this as a way to point it out.

To answer the question above. For me personally I have no issue with the aspect of a decoy itself, more the hunt style and mentality of SOME that use them as their only way of being successful. I believe a man should learn the skills to be a woodsman as a whole, that in turn makes you a better hunter for all species. If you just go out and sit on a food plot each day for deer or in a field over decoys each day for turkeys what are you actually learning that you can pass on to the next generation. I'd rather my son learn about the woods and how species live and think vs just teaching him how to kill an animal. Knowledge is power and a skill that takes years of experience and failure to truly learn and understand

Again not directed at anyone particularly here as I don't know most of you personally and won't assume your knowledge base.
I am 100% neutral either way. I've used them and not used them. Like I've said before I haven't used them all year on the 4 or 5 hunts I've been on in TN and that's just because I don't like toting them around. I like having my vest on and just carrying my gun. But if I get an invite and someone has a spread of 2 dozen out there I'll happily sit over it and knock one in the head too.

What I don't like is people name calling and bashing just because one does one way or the other. Which I've seen happen on here by 2 different individuals and it's not secret they think they are the best and everyone else is beneath them no matter how they hunt.
I am 100% neutral either way. I've used them and not used them. Like I've said before I haven't used them all year on the 4 or 5 hunts I've been on in TN and that's just because I don't like toting them around. I like having my vest on and just carrying my gun. But if I get an invite and someone has a spread of 2 dozen out there I'll happily sit over it and knock one in the head too.

What I don't like is people name calling and bashing just because one does one way or the other. Which I've seen happen on here by 2 different individuals and it's not secret they think they are the best and everyone else is beneath them no matter how they hunt.
So I agree that name calling and bashing an individual is not proper, but I have yet to read any replies, on any of the threads about decoys over the years, by someone that is "neutral", saying to a pro-decoy post that has bashed someone they called "holier than thou" or "elitist hunter" or any other name calling/bashing, that their comment is out of bounds. The only times I have seen a comment asking someone to be "nice" is when someone says things against decoy use. I may have missed it if there has been.
The best turkey call is the sound of a 40# bag of corn being spread out in the woods
Apparently I SD it's sooo windy you have to dump a combine full out for them to hear it!

This is a wildlife officer posing with his baiting bust. Check out this cornpile!
I am 100% neutral either way. I've used them and not used them. Like I've said before I haven't used them all year on the 4 or 5 hunts I've been on in TN and that's just because I don't like toting them around. I like having my vest on and just carrying my gun. But if I get an invite and someone has a spread of 2 dozen out there I'll happily sit over it and knock one in the head too.

What I don't like is people name calling and bashing just because one does one way or the other. Which I've seen happen on here by 2 different individuals and it's not secret they think they are the best and everyone else is beneath them no matter how they hunt.

Right but my point is name calling those people for name calling doesn't make sense to me. It seems TO ME it's the same behavior going both ways. Calling someone an ELITIST or other is no different then them calling decoy users a POS (again to me) but maybe I'm out of my lane here
Apparently I SD it's sooo windy you have to dump a combine full out for them to hear it!
View attachment 134528
This is a wildlife officer posing with his baiting bust. Check out this cornpile!
I bet the defense was the combine accidentally missed the truck, therefore it was a bona fide agricultural practice. 😆 😆 😆
I haven't used them all year in TN because it's more of a run and gun type spot and I don't like toting them. I did use them when I took my nephew on the juvi hunt in KY a couple weeks ago. Either way I don't care if anyone uses them or not.
Have you not been paying attention?
Run and gun is not turkey hunting!
If they don't come in to a call it should be illegal to kill them.
I know a ton of people are against them but honestly they have hurt me only. I've had more birds come in and putt at decoys or turn away from a decoy then ever come to one. It's happened a ton more with the styrofoam ones but not a fan of carrying the avian ones. I think I'm just done with them. Maybe I'm using them wrong but I've not seems birds like them and only using hens.
Leave the Jake at home.
I have learned that when I use them its always just 1 hen and I've got it covered in real feathers. I have seen the argument go both ways but I've learned that more than 1 hen is where things go sideways...
Apparently I SD it's sooo windy you have to dump a combine full out for them to hear it!
View attachment 134528
This is a wildlife officer posing with his baiting bust. Check out this cornpile!
I don't see a corn pile. I see a bunch of pea gravel that's been painted yellow. Oh wait that's what we use to do over near the park and why I have 30+ bands from geese. They would band the geese on one side of the lake and we would be on the other side of the lake about 1,000 yards away from where they were banded. When I was in school we would get pea gravel and paint it yellow and get "fake plastic bread slices" that comes in those play kitchens for kids and just lay it out on the mud flat with a few geese decoys. Made for some quick hunts before school.
Well I'm assuming the veiled comments about name calling are directed at me, and that's BS.

Do I like decoys? Heck no, hate them and think it has caused serious issues in our statewide flock by allowing hunters to Kill otherwise unkillable birds.

Do I have issues with a certain segment of the hunting population these days? Yep, sure do. There's a group now that's a kill at all costs mentality and I think it sucks.

Do I think That decoys/blinds are a crutch for some hunters so they don't have to learn turkey behavior, how to move in the woods, set up, and call birds to the gun? Absolutely, but that doesn't apply to all decoy folks obviously.

The pro decoy crowd is laughably sensitive to the hunters who have issues with that tactic. Hence the reason why they take criticism of the tactic and twist that into being called names, or the other side "being holier than thou".

Go find one single example of an anti decoy person calling someone a name who killed a turkey over a decoy on here. Just one. you'll still see people with opinions like mine congratulating other hunters even if we don't agree with their methods.

Its always the pro decoy bunch getting all twisted up and super defensive towards folks who don't fall in line. It's your Hunt, you do you. However, I will always lobby for decoys to be outlawed, but that doesn't mean I have an issue with the hunters on a personal level if that makes sense. So don't try and twist it into something it's not, that itself is complete bullshlt
I don't see a corn pile. I see a bunch of pea gravel that's been painted yellow. Oh wait that's what we use to do over near the park and why I have 30+ bands from geese. They would band the geese on one side of the lake and we would be on the other side of the lake about 1,000 yards away from where they were banded. When I was in school we would get pea gravel and paint it yellow and get "fake plastic bread slices" that comes in those play kitchens for kids and just lay it out on the mud flat with a few geese decoys. Made for some quick hunts before school.
Its because of East TN hillbillies like you that the rest of us cannot have nice things.
NOTHING works every time, having said that if you use decoys enough especially the new full strutt of half strut jake HD ones these days you will realize they make things pretty easy on those birds that are almost impossible to kill.

I cut my teeth hunting in bama when they were not allowed so I just always learned to hunt without them. Moved to TN in 2000 and used them a bunch for a while and realized yes they can hurt you at times but they also can REALLY make things easier. Just got to the point I didnt like it easy or that type of hunting for the most part and really just didnt like carrying them around as much as I move and shift set ups.

Still have some in my garage and if I take a kid or something I may still break them out if the plan is to limit mobility due to who is with me. Not gonna say its not exciting watching a bird strut in from 300yds away and attack a decoy so I understand the thought some have with them. I dont agree its a truly ethical (traditional is maybe a better word) way of hunting them and given the choice Ill always pick without but to each his own.

this may come off worse then I intend it to but I would always consider a guy that does it successfully without on a consistent basis to be a better "hunter" per my definition even if they dont limit out each season. sitting in a blind or on a field edge with decoys out and shooting a limit in a season just doesnt really do much for me or even excite me to be honest.

But again to each his own, I find plenty of things exciting to some wouldnt im sure. Heck Im a bama fan that went to Auburn University thats from Florida and lives in TN so I may just be an idiot
That move from Florida to Tennessee proves you aren't an idiot.

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