Dr Grant Woods on CWD

Not sure the acreage limit? Or if there even is one? Buddy just called and asked about renting it and was told $400...I checked on it last year or the year before and it was $300 then....The one I rented from soil conservation office years ago was only $150 or $200 but it was smaller...handy though...worked great.
I wonder if a local farmer would let you use/rent theirs or maybe come plant your plots. I really need to work on my relationship with my local farmers. I have one with my neighbor, but I think I'll work on meeting more and working on that.
I wonder if a local farmer would let you use/rent theirs or maybe come plant your plots. I really need to work on my relationship with my local farmers. I have one with my neighbor, but I think I'll work on meeting more and working on
As expensive as the equipment is I doubt it...they are making a living farming...we are food plotting smaller acreage for wildlife...and some of the plots take a minute to navigate to hauling equipment..but if you knew someone well you might could rent it?....I've ran into the same issue with lime trucks...and just end up renting the spreader buggy...when the big trucks are doing big hay fields and pastures they hesitate to slow down for several smaller food plots spread out over multiple locations on the property...but where theres a will theres a way :)
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I was working on a couple properties that Dr. Woods consulted on for several years and am aware of a couple more. I found that Dr. Woods was and continues to be a very intelligent biologist who has put his teachings into practice successfully under some very challenging circumstances. He is and always was a gentleman, a polite and considerate man who would engage you in a conversation that left you feeling enlightened and looking forward to implementing some of what you learned. Yes he has sponsors who sell products via his podcasts and he has written several seed blend programs that were and are sold by seed producers Eagle seed and Green Cover that contain 9 to 11 species in specific varieties that actually compliment each other and work to feed wildlife while improving your soil. He is a great advocate for no till and cover crops along with sustainable ag practices. I have known him to be an avid bow hunter and a shrewd businessman but I have never known him to take advantage of anyone, nor have I ever known him to allow a sponsor to sell junk under his name. He does hire out his services and seems to market them to upper end property owners but there is nothing wrong with that. I am not nor have I ever been a student, co-worker or employee of Dr. Woods but have worked along side him and his interns, I have worked and managed thousands of acres that he has consulted on including the Kentucky proving ground, I have seen the results and successes of his property improvement plans and I have nothing but accolades for his work and him personally. The only speed bumps I ever encountered was a variance between the booked plan and real world applications in the field but there was always a workaround. I have been to his home and found him to live modestly and care deeply for his friends and family. I did know him to be firm in his beliefs and work ethics and some of his interns took it hard, the successful ones learned why he was that way.
I certainly do not agree with the above negative remarks in regard to Dr. Woods and cannot fathom why anyone would.

There were other members here who actually studied under Dr. Woods or were interns or had relationships like mine via properties.
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I agree…do folks have Woods confused with someone else? You would think he was on the Seek One team or something.

It's the internet. Any anonymous @$$hole can say awful things about anybody else and no reason needed. I take that nonsense with a grain of salt. Meaningless as a fart in the wind.
I was working on a couple properties that Dr. Woods consulted on for several years and am aware of a couple more. I found that Dr. Woods was and continues to be a very intelligent biologist who has put his teachings into practice successfully under some very challenging circumstances. He is and always was a gentleman, a polite and considerate man who would engage you in a conversation that left you feeling enlightened and looking forward to implementing some of what you learned. Yes he has sponsors who sell products via his podcasts and he has written several seed blend programs that were and are sold by seed producers Eagle seed and Green Cover that contain 9 to 11 species in specific varieties that actually compliment each other and work to feed wildlife while improving your soil. He is a great advocate for no till and cover crops along with sustainable ag practices. I have known him to be an avid bow hunter and a shrewd businessman but I have never known him to take advantage of anyone, nor have I ever known him to allow a sponsor to sell junk under his name. He does hire out his services and seems to market them to upper end property owners but there is nothing wrong with that. I am not nor have I ever been a student, co-worker or employee of Dr. Woods but have worked along side him and his interns, I have worked and managed thousands of acres that he has consulted on including the Kentucky proving ground, I have seen the results and successes of his property improvement plans and I have nothing but accolades for his work and him personally. The only speed bumps I ever encountered was a variance between the booked plan and real world applications in the field but there was always a workaround. I have been to his home and found him to live modestly and care deeply for his friends and family. I did know him to be firm in his beliefs and work ethics and some of his interns took it hard, the successful ones learned why he was that way.
I certainly do not agree with the above negative remarks in regard to Dr. Woods and cannot fathom why anyone would.

There were other members here who actually studied under Dr. Woods or were interns or had relationships like mine via properties.
Thank you!!
Game departments don't care about abundant healthy deer populations

I do agree CWD is a threat to deer herds but not as much as EHD or liberal limits something game departments don't care about

Now to be fair there are outside forces and interests like farmers that have valid reasons for wanting deer populations low or non existent
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I agree…do folks have Woods confused with someone else? You would think he was on the Seek One team or something.

Guy is just a biologist that writes, films, consults, speaks and promotes hunting. He is a two time kidney transplant survivor and a Christian.

I watched a podcast recently where he told his career story. I found it very interesting.

Let's hear how he wronged folks!

Probably confused with James C. Kroll a.k.a. "Dr. Deer."
Exactly! My bad thats why i deleted mine i had them comfused! Dr. Deer is a moron who has made a living fleecing deer hunters with common knowledge for decades

Exactly! My bad thats why i deleted mine i had them comfused! Dr. Deer is a moron who has made a living fleecing deer hunters with common knowledge for decades
Well...let's hear about the fleecing and the common knowledge!
jurassic park life finds a way GIF
What do people find wrong about this much less the cwd debate? He states that there's not been a single case of humans getting cwd and the fact that it is very likely people have eaten infected meat. He is obviously a hunter
Is it wrong to try and stop the spread because there's no proof it spreads to humans? Is that the only reason to try to stop the spread? I guess after experiencing the affects of the blue tongue outbreak 10 or so years back, I think trying to prevent the spread of cwd is a good thing. I like having healthy abundant deer populations.
Trying to stop the spread of a viral disease amongst a wild animal population known to roam seems like a fool's errand.

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