Early Velvet season this year?

But im a little more hardcore than most... I was either coyote hunting or scouting every morn and evening this past week up on my farms. Heat sucks, but it doesn't my damper my instinct to hunt.
its wonderful having a chance at a buck using your place in Aug that will be 5 miles away during the rut mid Nov.

That's one of my favorite things about it. I get to hunt completely different deer than I hunt in fall.

Im sure there are some that just sit on cornpiles... but those are the same ones doing it in Nov.

100%. Poachers are going to poach. Road hunters, night hunters, and baiters are all still doing the same thing throughout the fall. They don't care. Criminals are criminals year round, not just seasonally.
Too bad it isn't now. There's an eight point tearing the hell out of my apple trees. Broke one of the Fuji trees in half.

Apple Tree.jpg
Too bad it isn't now. There's an eight point tearing the hell out of my apple trees. Broke one of the Fuji trees in half.

Did you see him pull those branches down? Or just see him eating the apples? A big doe would be my guess on the culprit breaking branches. Velvet is so sensitive that bucks generally avoid touching anything because it hurts. Maybe he was just eating what another deer had yanked down???
Did you see him pull those branches down? Or just see him eating the apples? A big doe would be my guess on the culprit breaking branches. Velvet is so sensitive that bucks generally avoid touching anything because it hurts. Maybe he was just eating what another deer had yanked down???
I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose, but he sure was yanking the heck out of the crabapple tree next to it a day or two after the Fuji blew up. It was actually overloaded with apples. I should have thinned it out quite a bit. He's been out there several evenings lately, just a-munchin'.

It's actually funny to watch.
Just one question, would you be down for night Hunting in unit CWD? Kill em all right?
The TWRA response to coyote night hunting is it's not safe to shoot rifles at night because you may hit a house 😂🤣 clowns 🤡 can't come up with a single incident of coyote hunters shooting into houses at night anywhere in the country but it works for them.
I have seen just the opposite. The hunting is still very good in areas where CWD has been around the longest (Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Wisconsin, Illinois).
Interesting difference. An IL DNR officer and a couple of locals were telling me that it took a few years to get back to normal. Guess it's different in different areas.
The TWRA response to coyote night hunting is it's not safe to shoot rifles at night because you may hit a house 😂🤣 clowns 🤡 can't come up with a single incident of coyote hunters shooting into houses at night anywhere in the country but it works for them.
Night "hunters" shoot into houses in my neighborhood. They shot straight at my propane tank right beside my bedroom window.

Where they park in the street and night "hunt" for hours their backstop is a widow's home. The road hunters in my area are shooting into houses. It's a very populated area.
Night "hunters" shoot into houses in my neighborhood. They shot straight at my propane tank right beside my bedroom window.

Where they park in the street and night "hunt" for hours their backstop is a widow's home. The road hunters in my area are shooting into houses. It's a very populated area.
I've read several of your posts. Sounds like it's about time to take the law into your own hands. You pepper them SOBs trucks with a shotgun and few times they will get the picture. Don't ask me how I know.
Night "hunters" shoot into houses in my neighborhood. They shot straight at my propane tank right beside my bedroom window.
Where they park in the street and night "hunt" for hours their backstop is a widow's home. The road hunters in my area are shooting into houses. It's a very populated area.
I guess TWRA is protecting us after all. Sounds like you live in a dangerous place. That sounds like a good road for the dummy deer sting operation.
Night "hunters" shoot into houses in my neighborhood. They shot straight at my propane tank right beside my bedroom window.

I guess TWRA is protecting us after all. Sounds like you live in a dangerous place. That sounds like a good road for the dummy deer sting operation.
I don't think they can set up dummy deer because of entrapment. It was never a dangerous place until last year when 35 night "hunters" showed up and made it that way.
Night "hunters" shoot into houses in my neighborhood. They shot straight at my propane tank right beside my bedroom window.

I guess TWRA is protecting us after all. Sounds like you live in a dangerous place. That sounds like a good road for the dummy deer sting operation.
Good luck on getting them to come out much less do anything about anything
Good luck on getting them to come out much less do anything about anything
Yeah if you have spotlighters they will do something about them but if you are up against thermals it is a mistake to ask TWRA for help. They let them road hunt at night.
Curious about the velvet hunt "haters" posting here. I have hunted the "velvet weekend" every year since the start, even in the hurricane remnants a few years ago. I have yet to even see one and I have sweat my ass off every year but I'm there because I love hunting. Are you upset that people who are willing to gut it out legally in the heat and bugs to get a chance at a velvet buck are afforded the opportunity to do so? Aside from the poaching issue which happens year round and is seemingly not a priority of the TWRA, if there are so few people legally hunting and killing and it's part of your bag limit, what makes you so mad? Is it that someone else may get "your deer"...lol... I haven't seen any stats that reflect a negative impact to the deer population from "velvet weekend". And, I don't completely understand the objection to rifle and CWD tie in to the velvet season. Is it just the poaching problem that seemingly gives them 3 days to shoot the gun and not raise suspicion? Isn't the goal to remove as many deer in those CWD zones as possible? Thought that was what was "needed" to curtail the disease (per the "experts")? If I'm missing something, please educate me on why CWD counties are allowed to use rifles (not in one of the counties and hope never to be). Personally, if they open a slingshot season, I will be out there regardless of the weather. I don't worry about what other people are doing as long as they are doing it legally. Hunting for me is personal. I don't get jealous when other people have more free time to hunt than I do or have better land and are able to take deer every year. I didn't get mad when they legalized crossbows in bow season or inline muzzelloaders. This whole "velvet" season started because some people got jealous that KY and some other states started their season early enough to be able to kill velvet bucks and they wanted to have their opportunity. It was not biologically based nor was it based on the hope to get more folks into hunting (additionaly revenue). I was not one of those clamoring to get that season opened but as stated earlier, I will participate in any legal season for game I hunt. I guess bottom line (trigger warning...lol), if you don't like that others have an opportunity to get a velvet buck, get your ass in the woods or stfu. 🤣
Exactly .my wife killed her 1st decent buck on velvet hunt last year on velvet hunt .we hunted every morning till about 930 or 10 she killed it at 7 am Sunday morning 11 point
That's one of my favorite things about it. I get to hunt completely different deer than I hunt in fall.

100%. Poachers are going to poach. Road hunters, night hunters, and baiters are all still doing the same thing throughout the fall. They don't care. Criminals are criminals year round, not just seasonally.
If something doesn't break with this weather pattern, I just don't see me doing the early hunt this year. I've had enough of this. I'll just squirrel hunt in the "cool" mornings and spend the evenings with my wife. That'll earn me more yard passes for when hunting gets more enjoyable anyway.
I love the velvet hunt. I grew up scouting and finding my target bucks for the season during the summer before there were trail cameras back in the day. So when I heard I had a chance to hunt them that time of year I was thrilled. I've only killed 2 in velvet since the start both over 150 class. If you pay attention to the deer this time of year, a lot of them start to shift thier pattern the same week the season opens up.

I'll be at it again this year if I have a shooter working land I have permission on.

As for the CWD counties, I'm not a fan of ANY of thier regulations, but I'm especially not a fan of using rifles for this time of year.