Well-Known Member
Curious about the velvet hunt "haters" posting here. I have hunted the "velvet weekend" every year since the start, even in the hurricane remnants a few years ago. I have yet to even see one and I have sweat my ass off every year but I'm there because I love hunting. Are you upset that people who are willing to gut it out legally in the heat and bugs to get a chance at a velvet buck are afforded the opportunity to do so? Aside from the poaching issue which happens year round and is seemingly not a priority of the TWRA, if there are so few people legally hunting and killing and it's part of your bag limit, what makes you so mad? Is it that someone else may get "your deer" I haven't seen any stats that reflect a negative impact to the deer population from "velvet weekend". And, I don't completely understand the objection to rifle and CWD tie in to the velvet season. Is it just the poaching problem that seemingly gives them 3 days to shoot the gun and not raise suspicion? Isn't the goal to remove as many deer in those CWD zones as possible? Thought that was what was "needed" to curtail the disease (per the "experts")? If I'm missing something, please educate me on why CWD counties are allowed to use rifles (not in one of the counties and hope never to be). Personally, if they open a slingshot season, I will be out there regardless of the weather. I don't worry about what other people are doing as long as they are doing it legally. Hunting for me is personal. I don't get jealous when other people have more free time to hunt than I do or have better land and are able to take deer every year. I didn't get mad when they legalized crossbows in bow season or inline muzzelloaders. This whole "velvet" season started because some people got jealous that KY and some other states started their season early enough to be able to kill velvet bucks and they wanted to have their opportunity. It was not biologically based nor was it based on the hope to get more folks into hunting (additionaly revenue). I was not one of those clamoring to get that season opened but as stated earlier, I will participate in any legal season for game I hunt. I guess bottom line (trigger, if you don't like that others have an opportunity to get a velvet buck, get your ass in the woods or stfu.