Fall Away or Whisker Biscuit


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
I am doing some modifications to my Parker and am considering going to a fall away system like the Rip Cord or Trophy Taker. I currently shoot a Whisker Biscuit. I want to spend my time shooting and not having to make alot of adjustments with a fall away. Once a fall away is set up do they need alot of adjusting? Should I stick to the whisker biscuit?
I like the simplicity of the whisker bisquit. I think it only takes away 5fps, give or take.

I have used a rip cord and really liked it. But it was already setup.
I personally would stick with the whisker biscuit.
There is nothing at all wrong with the rip cord but if you are satisfied with the WB spend the hundred bucks on something else.
The Biscuit is hard to beat for trouble free reliability. After all these years there are still alot of people shooting the Biscuit!
ShaneHallum said:
I like the simplicity of the whisker bisquit. I think it only takes away 5fps

Not to mention what it does to your longer range shots. Don't want anything to hit my vanes in flight

Drop away for me only
My testing and others I've seen resulted in a 2-3 fps drop in speed with a WB. That's a rounding error at the speeds we shoot nowadays.

UTGrad - before you yank that biscuit off think about the mechanical probs you've had in the last year. It's been the ONE constant that hasn't let you down. ;)
QAD gets a lot of good reviews just try to stay wiyh one has full containment for hunting if you can
JayMc said:
My testing and others I've seen resulted in a 2-3 fps drop in speed with a WB. That's a rounding error at the speeds we shoot nowadays.

UTGrad - before you yank that biscuit off think about the mechanical probs you've had in the last year. It's been the ONE constant that hasn't let you down. ;)

:D Yep...and I don't want to have a bad day shooting and start fiddling with my drop away rest thinking it is the cause of my problems. It might not be.
Do you want a different rest for 3D? Go with a prong style (like a NAP Quicktune 3000) or with a blade syle (like a pro tuner or a trophy taker spring steel). You can't get any simpler and your accuracy will be better than with a WB. There's a reason that 99% of the pros shoot a blade (and I say 99% b/c I'm sure there's a pro out there shooting a dropaway).

I have an extra trophy taker you're welcome to try out.
JayMc said:
Do you want a different rest for 3D? Go with a prong style (like a NAP Quicktune 3000) or with a blade syle (like a pro tuner or a trophy taker spring steel). You can't get any simpler and your accuracy will be better than with a WB. There's a reason that 99% of the pros shoot a blade (and I say 99% b/c I'm sure there's a pro out there shooting a dropaway).

I have an extra trophy taker you're welcome to try out.

I would like a rest for 3D and hunting. Maybe I should stick with the WB.
Good article and it kinda pushes me towards the Limbdriver rest where the cord is attached to the limb instead of the cable. The only negative with the fall away is the cord and it does require more dinkin around.