Favorite Caliber for 300 Yards and Under?

When I was working for a group that got paid to kill and remove a lot of deer, shooters started out with a variety of calibers. By a year or two into the project, everyone had switched to one of two calibers; 7mm-08 and 308. I loved both. Now have one of both. Less recoil than the magnum calibers and plenty accurate and deadly.

No man bun
The bullet needs to be able to penetrate - so avoid the ballistic tips. Ballistic tips are very accurate, but they explode once they hit
I don't shoot ballistic tips any more since I changed calibers years ago and load my own now but, based on my personal experience with the ballistic tips that I shot back then I'm gonna throw the bullschitt flag on the statement above.
Here is a a lot of reading, but a great test of bullets. There are several parts and a lot of bullets tested. Some surprises are in there, especially the 220gr Partition that retained 19% of its weight.

Im considering purchasing a new gun before the upcoming season and am curious what everyone prefers. A majority of my shots will under 300 yards. Let's hear your favorite
If it's whitetail you're shouting, it truly doesn't matter under 300 yards. Go with what is available and comfortable to shoot.
.308 is what I went with for ammo availability. But .308, .270, 7-08, 30-06 or just about anything else in that neighborhood will do just fine.
7mm mag with 140 gr Nosler partitions for anything smaller than elk. I use 160 grain for elk. It's a proven combination that I've been using since 1996. I've shot deer with it from 10 yards to over 300. If it wasn't effective I would be shooting something different by now.
Can't go wrong with 270 close very close 2nd is 25-06
I am a .300 fan but I do have a .270 also. Been a fan of the 25-06 for a long time also. Two of my uncles use them and they flat out shoot great. Don't own a 25-06 but always keep my eye out for one that I really like.
I am surprised at how many of you like getting the crap kicked out of you to kill a soft skinned animal like a deer.
I think there is fewer center fire rifles that won't work at this distance than will. Meaning almost any rifle you pick up will get it done, clean and ethically, at less than 300 yds.

I remember my dad and uncles getting turkeys with 12ga 2-3/4 shells. Then they went 10 ga then 12 ga 3.5 shells now everyone is going the opposite way even .410
I am a .300 fan because I can use a 180 grain bullet on deer, elk, hogs. Good all around round. If I was hunting moose I would move up to 220 grain. Dangerous game like brown bear I am taking my .338 Lapua.

And I have used the .300 win mag for 20 years in the Army and have good ballistics in my DOPE book with both factory and hand loads.
I really dont mind the recoil of any rife while hunting but target shooting might be different, I normally shoot 150g in my 300wm as for deer nothing heavier is needed imo. I prefer to keep the energy down on pass through shots to maybe keep from hitting other deer, never shot 2 with 1 shot but have seen some times where it could happen and had to wait on a clear shot.
So I am loving the new 264WM barrel on my Encore and it will do the job some distance past 300 yds. if I do my part but the last 4 bucks I took were with my daughter's 260 REM which is more than enough gun for a 300 yd. shot. I like a 6.5 but also like something a little different so no Creedmore or PRC for me;).
So I am loving the new 264WM barrel on my Encore and it will do the job some distance past 300 yds. if I do my part but the last 4 bucks I took were with my daughter's 260 REM which is more than enough gun for a 300 yd. shot. I like a 6.5 but also like something a little different so no Creedmore or PRC for me;).
260 Rem is very overlooked. It surpasses the 6.5 Creedmoor in many ways, but as to the original question; 243 and everything up to the 300WM fills the bill.
260 Rem is very overlooked. It surpasses the 6.5 Creedmoor in many ways, but as to the original question; 243 and everything up to the 300WM fills the bill.
I guess I fell for the hype, but I love my creedmoor. Absolute tac-driver, great ballistics and low recoil.

Never shot a .260 but heard great things.