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Favorite saying!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Oneida, Gods Country
I seen this posted on archerytalk, and well I know for a fact there is NOwhere that has better sayings than the ones from the great people of Tennessee!

I have a bunch, but I will start off with the one that always catches people off guard!
I have gotta chit like a crippled coon!

now you guys throw some out there!
In before Ferg .............. :D


In before Chaneylaked ................ :D
My dad would always say

"Son you can hoot with the owls and crow with the chickens" ..... referinf me coming in at 3 am and changing to go hunt ...... I now know what he was talking about I am way too old for that now
heres another one to get it rolling even better,

quit crying and pull your big girl panties up! There down around your ankles!
I ll just show you what I posted on that site, this can give you everyone something work with. Hope you guys get a kick out of them, or least a small smile.

I have a few here and there..
if someone ask you if you want to go somewhere...or should we go up there. (this sounds stupid but just say it to yourself, you will love it) "Well, can't dance, too windy to stack BB's, might as well"
hey fat girls need loving too!

"pretty 2 gooder"

These are some of my all time favorites:
"oh quit being a , reach down and pull your big girl panties up, there around your ankles!"
"I have gotta like a crippled coon!"
"I ve got a big ole Stanley Steamer coming on"
"well me sideways running backwards in a snow storm!"
"Id be on that like stink on , white on rice and a brown paper bag in a snow storm!"
I also like the sayings from TV: something big happens, just look at someone as serious and go "MOTHER OF GOD!"

I have a whole lot more, trust me, i could write a book a classics that I have picked up from my grandfathers and have just blurted out myself! If I think of anymore I will share them all if you want! Hey, and USE THEM, everyone needs to laugh a little!
" A man is only made of Flesh and Blood "

L. I. B.

Its on Like Donkey Kong

I am a Gittin it like a little boy dog

Happier than a puppy with two peters

Rub some dirt on it - (common cure for anything from headache to stitches)

ask your wife for your set back that a way you can act like a man again

just to name a few
Don't let the door knob hit ya where the good lord split ya on your way out!
One day I was helping a friend and his Grandad do some fencing. My buddy got pinched by the fencing pliers and his grandad said.

" Uh I bet that made you piss like a puppy" I will never forget that and I was like 13 yrs old.
"It's cold enough to bust a cat's head"

"That's slicker than goose shat"

"we're gonna' need a bigger boat"
My dads favorite, "Its colder than a well diggers a$$ in julember!!" I don't know why he says julember,I think its a cross between july and december...
Hangin' in there like a hair in a biscuit.

Heard it on the radio one day and it stuck with me. It's kinda gross.
[/quote]Hate to ask you how you got your name. lol [/quote]

I think you already figured that one out!
A rednecks famous last words.

Hey yall watch this!!! or It could also be Happier than a pig in Mud.

Funny joke along with that.

What is the difference between a Northern Fairytale and a Southern one?

Northern begins with "Once upon a Time"

Southern begins with "Yall aint gunna beleive this "
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