Favorite saying!

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Wish in one hand and sh.. in the other.See which one fills up

My grannies favorite...boy you aint got the sense God gave
a p!ss ant.
Grinnin like a mule eatin briars.

Slicker than owl snot.

Harder than a hammered cat turd.

If I tell you a rooster can pull a wagon start looking for a harness.

If the good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise.

Busier than a one armed paper hanger.

I'll be on you like a duck on a junebug...or white on rice.

Love ya like a biscuit (courtesy of Edie's in Lafayette, LA)

I'll kick your butt up between your shoulder blades.

You might know karate but I know tire iron.

You brought a knife to a gun fight.

That boy's ninja quick.
Good bye, good luck, and let the good Lord take a liking to ya

I wouldn't take her to a dog fight, not even if she had a chance to win

If I was any better I'd be twins

That bar is so bad that they check your for a gun at the door...if you don't have one they'll give you one

Your mama is so fat, when she bungee jumps, she goes straight to hell

Your mama is so fat, she got baptized at Sea World
"Hotter than a couple of rats cracking in a wool sock"

"Does a bear shat in the woods"

"Buisier than a cat covering shat on a tile floor"

"She will come to her milk eventually"

"Be on it like a Etheopian on a biscuit"
slick said:
Boy, some of these jokes make me madder than a midget with a YoYo...

That is very insensitive...they're little people.

I dated a little people gal once. I was nuts over her :D
JayMc said:
slick said:
Boy, some of these jokes make me madder than a midget with a YoYo...

That is very insensitive...they're little people.

I dated a little people gal once. I was nuts over her :D


"Lost as last years Easter egg"

"I so hungry, I could eat the South end of a North-bound mule"
i once heard a good old country boy tell someone that he would,

"Hit them so hard, he'd put a popknot on their head so big you could pull a trailor behind."

i have never laughed so hard in my life. he was serious as a heartattack when he said it.
hangin on like a one eyed tick on a rabid coon dog
Tennessee where the moon comes over the mountains in gallon jugs!
I'm feeling so da__ good I gotta sit on both hands to keep from waving at everybody.
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