Active Member
Nice! Congrats!
Great hunt!Thanks for all the tips TNDeer!
This was my first turkey season ever. I decided to just DIY it alone with YouTube and tndeer
I hunted a large public close to home all season. Covered roughly 40 miles on the mountain during season.
Got in on a few gobblers, made some rookie mistakes. But every time learning something different.
On this day I got out early at 6:00am. I've had the best luck early, slow walking the roads to hear morning gobblers.
Walked my spot a mile back in and NOTHING!
Sat and waited until after sunrise until about 7:30. Decided to walk it back out and get to a new spot. As soon as I got close to the car.. BOOM a faint gobble down the main road. I moved 100 yards up a ridge on the main road and creeped over the top.
There was a hen on the side of the road! Man, this is it I thought. He's finally gonna move in on a hen and here I am. I pulled the binos out since it was about 100 yards down the road. Curiously, this dang hen wasn't moving... AT ALL.
Upon close inspection with the Binos.. it was a decoy! Then I heard the gobbler again andsomeone shot.
Long story short, a hunter came in after me in the morning and was gonna walk my road but saw my car, so he started walking the main road and struck up a nice bird no more than 300 yards from my car.
Disappointed but happy for this guy (who just drove up from FL last night) I decided to just walk one more road before heading out.
5 min into my next walk. Heard this guy. After so many failed attempts I wasn't letting him get away. I pushed in hard and fast towards him. Wanting to close the gap fast and got within 80-100 yards before calling. He responded to the first call, and I let him have it.. almost non stop calling. I'd been here before and decided to myself, "I'm gonna scare him off or shoot him, but he's not walking away."
Finally, here he comes over a small saddle down the dry creek bed. I can see beard hanging..
50 yards.. "need him across the creek bed." Called, rustled some leaves while shifting position next to a big oak tree and this beautiful bird came up to about 20 yards.
We stared each other down for a split second, he turned to walk out..
The most adrenaline pumped hunt of my life.